Morning Linkage (Nov 2)


New nom­i­nee for the ugli­est bike ever. White, chopped to bits, and oh dear god fug­ly.

I often point the moto-heads in my crowd to arti­cles at Hell for Leather. Here BikeEXIF talks to one half of the Hell for Leather team. Wes Siler. (A lit­tle fluffy, but there you have it.)

I have no idea, but these are the best tin-toy bikes I’ve ever seen.

Yes? No? 1970’s Bonneville.

Information in Words and Pictures

Visually pre­sen­ta­tion of sim­ple facts. Africa is big­ger than the United States, India, and China com­bined. Enough big­ger to have room for France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Italy, and most of east­ern Europe and still not full. I was sur­prised to find the Japan is near­ly as big as Italy. I think of Japan as being very small and crowded.

I have, over the years, bought many of the print­ed bound col­lec­tions of the Paris Review’s inter­views with authors. Now you can read all of them. (from the 1950 on) Your favorite author is like­ly to be here some­where and the chances of dis­cov­er­ing an author you’d like to read more of is pret­ty dan­ged high. (via lisa gold)

Art, Images, and Design

I love these Nordic mon­sters drawn on a sim­ple post-it. Especially the rein­deer peo­ple he post­ed on Sept 7th. John Kenn

Oh lordy, more Japanese folk­lore mon­sters. This time ghost sto­ries with a more mod­ern feel and paint­ed by Matthew Meyer. Can’t get enough of this stuff.

Today’s visu­al inspi­ra­tion — vin­tage house­hold prod­ucts pack­ag­ing. What can you make out of teal, mus­tard, and brown? Oh, and ser­ifs. I miss serifs.


I went from this annoy­ing inter­net meme. (Batman and kit­tens ) to the Vimeo port­fo­lio of the cre­ator Polly Guo. and found this. Maybe the guy’s ex-girlfriend had a point about  the sea mon­sters?
