Morning Linkage (Nov 1)


I’m not actu­al­ly that fond of the Triumph/Indian/Whathaveyou vin­tage bob­ber idea. So the Royal-Enfield item does­n’t do it for me. But some of the detail­ing and engrav­ing on this machine are awesome.

1962 CZ 175 Type 450. Showing how old school bikes were adapt­ed for dirt. Back before there were “dirt bikes”

I shall now die ful­filled. Mercedes-Benz, AMG and Ducati togeth­er at last.

This weird lit­tle bike is based, loose­ly, on a Ducati. Well done, or just ran­dom? discuss.


#16 — a snow crys­tal. Wow. And there’s the new to me Ornamental Baboon Tarantula. Big pic­tures of the small world.

Airplane food sucks because you can’t hear your­self think. Okay that’s inter­est­ing, but it does­n’t help does it?

Art, Images, and Design

An inter­est­ing attempt to change up the usu­al (fail­ing) inter­face for door open­ers. Can we stop peo­ple push­ing when they should pull and pulling when they should push? Maybe.

Cars 2 com­ing next sum­mer from Pixar. It’s a spy sto­ry? Check out the logo reveal on the offi­cial YouTube chan­nel. And there’s a web­site — of course. I hope it’s worth the hype. Pixar is awful­ly close to becom­ing pre­dictable. And that would be sad.

The adven­ture game Machinarium (Amanita Design) was a mini-hit in 2009. Now if you want to have your own lit­tle robot you can. Papercraft score!

Abstract pat­terns com­bined to cre­ate a fox on a wall. Philippe Baudelocque does some fine work in Paris. His per­son­al web­site has an awful mov­ing back­ground.
