Morning Linkage (Aug 26)

Unfinished Merlin, Passport bob­ber, per­fect din­ner com­pan­ion — Moto Guzzi Airone. Data geek­ing — Dr. Who, soda pop, organ­ic brands. Alice Feagan cel­e­brates taco trucks and sum­mer at the lake. A sweet tooth and a vis­it to the gui­tar store.

Morning Linkage (Aug 24)

Dreams of the far north, an excel­lent Triumph, inap­pro­pri­ate use of a Red Bull can, Honda C77 Dream, How big is it? SDO shows us the sun’s magen­tic per­son­al­i­ty, the addic­tive prop­er­ties of motor­cy­cling, how much does that G&T cost? Edible crayons and Yeti smiles.

Morning Linkage (Aug 4)

Moto Guzzi — per­fect details, two Triumphs, girls on bikes, boys on bikes, sum­mer drinks, anti-lasers, big art on the earth , lit­tle art on the water, under­sea worlds in pas­tels, a per­fect beach photo

Morning Linkage (Jul 28)

Today’s cus­toms: xs650 x2, Hondas — a Hawk and a Rebel. Japanese under-the-bed mon­sters, upmar­ket Sharpie, CA coast water­col­ors, intaglio print of James Jean’s Dive. Boy meets girl with a lit­tle help from freinds with spray paint.