Morning Linkage (Mar 26)

Transportation Eerie silent video of the valves and fir­ing spark plug of an inter­nal com­bus­tion engine. Erudite dis­cus­sion of the cap­ture tech­nol­o­gy in the com­ments. Or per­haps you’re more inter­est­ed int he valve action inside the new S1000RR? More dis­cus­sion of the video cap­ture tech. The late 60’s CB450s had become rats by the time I … 

Morning Linkage (Mar 25)

Transportation Art Deco meets H‑D. Overwhelmingly beau­ti­ful met­al work. Note that the bike is not unfin­ished. There was no paint planned. I’ll have to agree with the writer on this one. Without a doubt the ugli­est Moto Guzzi ever made. The Mulo. Very cus­tom. There was once a Sportster under Walt Siegl’s MotoBe XLX. Once. —————- Science … 

Morning Linkage (Mar 24)

Transportation From Life mag­a­zine. Daytona in 1948. 22 pics. Take your time. Another CB750, this one from Chicago. I like the rough edges. Or per­haps this one — a tad rougher. —————— Society and Culture (Food) Foodie Trend Watch. Your cup­cakes are no longer cool, hip, and indis­pens­able for (adult) birth­day par­ties. Meet the dough­nuts, the new … 

Morning Linkage (Mar 23)

Transportation Re the TTXGP shift to trust/co-op struc­ture for the sanc­tion­ing body. Giving the teams own­er­ship of the series. Brilliant or bound to fail? HD to return to pri­vate own­er­ship with the help of pri­vate equi­ty firm KKR? More than a week lat­er HOG stock prices are still enjoy­ing the rumor based bounce. Meanwhile, in Italy Ducati and Piaggio … 

Morning Linakge (Mar 12)

Transportation A par­tic­u­lar­ly nice ver­sion of the battery/electric ped­al bike. Charges on the flat as well as down hill. Also nice look­ing, I would­n’t be embar­rassed to ride this to town. I had the International Scout II for a while. I’d pay (some­thing) to have one of these now. The International Wagonmaster. Alas I was too late. …