Morning Linkage (Dec 7)

Some ran­dom blog with bikes, lit­tle KTMs, the salt. Giant squid, always a crowd favorite. Amadeo Souza Cardosa, the pup­pet of Royal de Luxe in Mexico City, MAW and the ephemer­al in street art. Trailer for O Apostolo, spooky.

Morning Linkage (Aug 20)

garbage trucks, hooli­gan bikes — old and new — the H1 and a lit­tle KTM. clas­si­cal Greece in not so mono­chro­mat­ic white mar­ble. Minding your man­ners on the train in Japan, new Tintin, lots of maps, and Fan Ho’s unique vision of Hong Kong.

Morning Linkage (Apr 22)

Transportation Hello Kitty tank — is there noth­ing that can not be made more ridicu­lous with the addi­tion of pink paint and that evil feline? I have a soft spot for Scramblers. Maybe I’m just old school that way. This one belongs to some guy named Mike — he’s work­ing his way through his ’06 doing the … 

Morning Linkage (Mar 31)

Transportation Oh sweet baby jee­bus. A 1970 Husky 400 Cross all fet­tled up and ready to go… to the 2010 Baja 500? Mucho gory details on the build-out build-up. (The rest of the site will send cer­tain men I know into nos­tal­gia comas for a week.) KTM’s e‑bike. ——————— Society and Culture All pub­lish­ing eyes are …