I don’t think I’d name any bike “Chicken Salad” but it’ll have to do for this nice, short xs650 custom.
A longer xs650. Not at all a salad.
Bobbers come from all over. Honda Hawk. Srsly.
Even cuter. Honda Rebel Custom.
Art, Images, and Design
So many children’s book seem best designed to give children nightmares. The whole cat in the hat thing weirded me out for months. But really — nothing compared to these drawings done by Gojin Ishihara for Japanese children’s books. Japan has the best monsters under the bed (or coming out of the ceiling)
I’m not sure I’m going to buy the idea of a luxury Sharpie but this new stainless steel model *is* pretty fly.
The Urban Sketchers will be convening in Portland this weekend for their first international meet up. Saturday July 31st is the 28th annual world-wide sketch crawl. And in case you’ve forgotten why you should be on the lookout, here’s a quick couple of watercolors of the CA coast line from Marc Holm.
Marco Zamora. Pen and ink washes with windows of color. Urban scenes through a prism.
Dive. James Jean made the image and pressureprinting did the intaglio prints. The walk through of what it takes to make a 36 x 23 print will explain the $2000 price tag.
Boy wants to meet girl. Girl is ignoring boy. Boy gets a little help from the fellow down the street. Thing is, boy is a graffiti. A little live action, a little stop motion, a whole lot of Greek charm.