shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: Porsche (Page 1 of 2)

Morning Linkage (Feb 1)


Lim­its pro­duce the best design. The Meta­mor­fo­s­is Masi­va is a Span­ish cus­tomiz­ers chal­lenge that begins with SR250 and lim­its the cash out­lay to 1000 euros. No lim­it on time. The wrench­es detail is beyond cool. You can get more Meta­mor­fo­s­is cool­ness at their blog.

What to do with a wrecked Hyper­mo­tard

Sales brochures have always been a part of auto­mo­tive mar­ket­ing. And col­lect­ing those brochures is a sub-hobby all its own.  Char­lie White has helped a col­lec­tor put up scans of a com­plete binder of the mate­ri­als sent to Porsche deal­ers for the 1955 line-up. 43 pages of Con­ti­nen­tal, Speed­ster, and Spy­der lust.

Art, Images, and Design

Cru­cial news for pho­tog­ra­phy enthu­si­asts. Alan Tay­lor is mov­ing to the Atlantic and launch­ing a new pho­to blog there. The Big Pic­ture will con­tin­ue to be pub­lished by the Boston Globe but Alan’s par­tic­u­lar eye and vision will be mov­ing on. He talks about it here.

Bright, bold, and full of life. Dan­ni Xi’s paper col­lages put my in mind of Mat­tise’s lat­er work, but with a strong hint of trib­al vitality.

Low relief paper sculp­tures by Cheong-ah Hwang aka: Paper­noo­dle. Birds, still-lifes, sea crea­tures, Red, and Alice. The flickr stream is full of process shots as well. And you can buy the prints at the etsy shop.

My nom­i­nee for best eye­brows on an imag­i­nary crea­ture. Phleg­m’s sea mammal.

Animation and Moving Images

You may be hav­ing a bad day but not *this* bad. Part  2 of a high­lights reel from a Tamil film called ROBOT.  Wait ’til you see the cobra… and the drill… and the mega-robot.  Car­toon vio­lence and insane robot may­hem. (Video 9:49)

There’s a part 1 as well. More com­e­dy but less insane robot awe­some. And heav­en only knows why the Borg cube is there. (Video 9:49)

A bit more sooth­ing­ly. Beach sand as a medi­um for stop-motion ani­ma­tion. Sea tur­tles, mer­maids, and a mon­ster. (Music video 3:43) Yuval and Mer­av Nathan

Morning Linkage (Jan 13)


Night Mar­ket. Or what to do with a box truck on a Sat­ur­day night in San Fran­sis­co. Wheels have always been our tick­et to the lim­i­nal places.

The first per­son who does the math and points out to me that $2995 in 1962 dol­lars is … hey wait a minute. That’s only $22K in 2010. I want my Porsche Speed­ster!

This should be so wrong, but I love it. A ‘67 Tri­umph Tiger. Cus­tom and orange. And any­one who is will­ing to cus­tom machine his own brass…

Cool Tools

Hot knives are a sta­ple with the prop, decor, and fan­ta­sy object build­ing types. It’s the only way to cut Sty­ro­foam, foam rub­ber, and a hand­ful of oth­er mate­ri­als. But most hot cut­ters use a straight wire so get­ting any sort of con­tour is a long, fid­dly job. Not any more. Bend­able wire to the res­cue. A Prox­xon hot wire cut­ter will make that next set of drag­on scales a cinch!

Art, Images, and Design

This intri­cate­ly detailed and some­what fan­ci­ful cross sec­tion of the Kowloon walled city was drawn by a Japan­ese team just before the city was lev­eled in 1993. And some fol­low up in the com­ments on doobybrain.

To cre­ate a map of a place from mem­o­ry is to your soul. Maps Drawn from Mem­o­ry is was the name a Flickr pool and Visu­al News grabbed a hand­ful of the best and offered them up with link to the Google maps of the actu­al loca­tions. If you care about real­i­ty. Which you won’t when you’ve seen the much more human ver­sions of places that live in the artist’s head. (SFW)

The Flickr pool has been changed to from “Maps Drawn from Mem­o­ry” to sim­ply “From Mem­o­ry” and is, sad­ly, no longer sole­ly about maps. (And is now NSFW)

A pho­tog­ra­pher’s body of work. The images she cre­ates from the time she first picks up a cam­era until her death can be the most illu­mi­nat­ing record of a life, and the time and place that it was lived. John Mal­oof found and pur­chased the near­ly com­plete works of one woman, Vivian Maier, who lived, worked, and pho­tographed in Chica­go from the 1950s through the 1990s. Here are just a hand­ful of her images. I sus­pect there will be con­tro­ver­sy in the com­ing months as the full sto­ry of the dis­cov­ery, pur­chase, and lan­guish­ing of these pic­tures comes out. But you need to have a first look at them now, while they are still new and intrigu­ing. More of Vivian Maier’s photos.


Claim­ing to be the world’s small­est stop-motion ani­ma­tion, cre­at­ed by Aard­man and shot using a Nokia 8 and the field med­ical Cellscope tech­nol­o­gy (yes, that’s a cell phone used as a micro­scope) — Dot. Also a mak­ing of video, and a time-lapse of the shoot­ing rig. The phone, the mag­ni­fy­ing lens, the 3‑d print­er… oh hel­lz this is the best gig­gle I’ve has all day.

Morning Linkage (Oct 28)


Hel­mut Fath’s mul­ti­ple cham­pi­onship win­ning URS side­car recent­ly sold for more than $150K. Worth it? There cer­tain­ly is enough his­to­ry here to make it interesting.

The log­ic of the pick­ings and place­ments of these 50 best rac­ing liv­er­ies will baf­fle you. Until you real­ize that each place­ment had to had a video. (Not true, a few don’t.) Try the 1988 Porsche rac­ing in the 24 hours of Le Mans — with the fog addled start. Or maybe the 15 sec­onds of pure son­ic joy to had Par­nel­li Jone’s Boss 302.  All the rest are in the box on the right. Just don’t look at #50. Tic tac.

New Nor­ton Commando- ditch the lit­tle idjit screen, and pony up for the wire wheels and the sport­ing exhaust. Then get the hell out­ta my way. (Oh and tell the dude on the video to shut up. m’kay?)

Cute Natural World

Big cats love the post Hal­loween gro­cery clean-up. And who knew that pump­kins float? The tigers loved chas­ing them in the ponds. (2 dif­fer­ent videos.)

Internet Tips and Tricks.

Um, Google now index­es all of the LIFE images. So go to, click Images in the top nav bar and type : “fer­rari source:life” into the search box.. or maybe “duke elling­ton source:life” if you’re in a more laid back kin­da mood.

Art, Images, and Design

A brief overview of the work of Finnish pho­tog­ra­ph­er Nel­li Palo­ma­ki. Por­traits of women and girls sug­gest­ing depths to their life sto­ries that are not revealed causally.

Some­how the croc­o­dile on the side of this bricked up build­ing in Lis­bon looks ter­ri­bly sad about some­thing. Lucy McLauch­lan’s lit­tle birds, how­ev­er, are hav­ing a very good day.

Using up the relics of the WWII. Mak­ing fur­ni­ture and home decor out of naval mines. Yup, that’s gonna look right­eous in my library.

Swing Shift Cin­derel­la — with this Flashy Lassie with the Classy Chas­sis. Um, it’s the lob­by card for an upcom­ing car­toon short from the mid-century. I love it. More ads fea­tur­ing the car­toons here. And a reminder that car­toons were orig­i­nal­ly for the grown-ups. (SFW)

sec­ond times the charm :)

Morning Linkage (Aug 23)


Gaze Long­ing­ly at These Buicks of Yore. Well at the first three or four any­way. Clas­sic designs. After the 60’s Wild­cat it all goes down hill.

The Zae­ta 530. Now (or soon) avail­able in street legal two-up trim. There’s a nice video that fea­tures arty footage of hors­es, fol­lowed by the Zae­ta and a Porsche doing some seri­ous drift­ing in the dirt.

The Wil­son II. Extreme and prob­a­bly unrid­able but omg the pipes…

Notable espe­cial­ly for its ori­gins. Mohammed Sho­jaie’s Ostoure (‘Leg­end’ in Per­sian) con­cept bike.  Much of the artist’s oth­er work is includ­ed in Bloom, an Iran­ian on-line rac­ing game.


Jack Horkheimer — the Star Gaz­er — passed away late last week.  For some back­ground and a taste of his humor have a look at this Pro­file col­umn from the Jan 06 edi­tion of Astron­o­my. (PDF)

Look­ing back at earth from space. Wired Sci­ence presents a gallery of images of algal blooms. Damn we live on a beau­ti­ful planet.

Art, Images, and Design

Only one artist this morn­ing. But this overview of Alex Varanese’s work includ­ing the won­der­ful Alt1977 retro-futurism project will give you a good start to your week.

off you go kiddies.

Morning Linkage (May 14)


Wretched excess, the new Porsche 911.

Would you leave this under­stat­ed beau­ty behind if you were mov­ing over­seas? I think not.

Look­ing a bit too much like Wolver­ine in squid­ly guise, hold­ing a white chi­na tea cup, and rat­tling on. Road rac­er Guy Mar­tin gives the BBC an inter­view and you get a snick­er. (There’s a love­ly east­er egg in the video. Check the comments.)


Yeah, we put some sharks in our aquar­i­um. We don’t think they’ll eat a whole lot of the exhib­it. Uh huh. Look at what ate the shark. Ignore the ‘scary’ nar­ra­tion, the images aren’t gross, just fas­ci­nat­ing. (homage to schneier)

Tru­ly ran­dom num­bers are the holy grail of cryp­tog­ra­phy. Quan­tum physics may be the answer. Isn’t QP the answer to every­thing? So now there are 42 tru­ly ran­dom num­bers. Maybe — or not. IO9 tries to explain how it works and why it mat­ters. Vio­la­tion of Bell inequal­i­ties… My head hurts.

Art, Images, and Design

These are so sil­ly and so cute. Masaku Hori ‘s lit­tle wait­ing dogs that hold your fruit.

Fab black and white dou­ble por­trait: Joe  Lewis and Josephine Bak­er.

Animation (Sorta)

Rule 34: If you can think of it there is porn of it on the ‘net. Bet­ter than Rule 34: Bat­man porno. Not the Dark Knight bat­man, the late 60’s campy TV ver­sion. Com­plete with cheesy car­toons bal­loons that say Pop and Pow. Stun­ning­ly, this trail­er is SFW.

… and that’s the end your week with the magpie.

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