shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: buick

Morning Linkage (Dec 6)


I love it when a com­pa­ny uses com­pe­tent styl­ish women to sell cars. I also love the unapolo­getic piz­zaz of these Tail fins from ’58.

Soft tail frame plus R1100RS engine… um… Here’s the fin­ish, click back to page 1 to read the entire sto­ry. Some of the cus­tom fab­ri­ca­tion and more impres­sive­ly mod­i­fi­ca­tions of stock parts from ran­dom mod­els are worth a look.

Pointless Editorial Commentary

One of the rare fun­nies I have to share with you all. Cook­ie Mon­ster in a fix.

Art, Images, and Design

The French artist Dran has a show in Lon­don this month, I Have Chalks. With a new twist on the usu­al prints on a the wall. 100 screen prints of one of his well known char­ac­ters, the lit­tle boy draw­ing on the wall, were made up with­out the back­ground. In oth­er words there’s no draw­ing on the wall. Darn then drew on each print. That’s a ter­ri­ble expla­na­tion. Just go look at the pictures.

I give you, with­out com­ment, The Archi­tec­t’s Broth­er.

The link to the exhi­bi­tion info at George East­man House is bro­ken. How­ev­er, Simone Preuss gives some back­ground on the artist and the process over on Envi­ron­men­tal Graffiti.


The video qual­i­ty isn’t the best but the tech­nique and the sto­ry­line are top-notch. Ani­ma­tion that mim­ics a pop-up book, the sto­ry of a duck that unwise­ly stalks a lit­tle boy. The Hap­py Duck­ling.

Long week = short links. But I’ll try to have some­thing for you every day.

Morning Linkage (Aug 23)


Gaze Long­ing­ly at These Buicks of Yore. Well at the first three or four any­way. Clas­sic designs. After the 60’s Wild­cat it all goes down hill.

The Zae­ta 530. Now (or soon) avail­able in street legal two-up trim. There’s a nice video that fea­tures arty footage of hors­es, fol­lowed by the Zae­ta and a Porsche doing some seri­ous drift­ing in the dirt.

The Wil­son II. Extreme and prob­a­bly unrid­able but omg the pipes…

Notable espe­cial­ly for its ori­gins. Mohammed Sho­jaie’s Ostoure (‘Leg­end’ in Per­sian) con­cept bike.  Much of the artist’s oth­er work is includ­ed in Bloom, an Iran­ian on-line rac­ing game.


Jack Horkheimer — the Star Gaz­er — passed away late last week.  For some back­ground and a taste of his humor have a look at this Pro­file col­umn from the Jan 06 edi­tion of Astron­o­my. (PDF)

Look­ing back at earth from space. Wired Sci­ence presents a gallery of images of algal blooms. Damn we live on a beau­ti­ful planet.

Art, Images, and Design

Only one artist this morn­ing. But this overview of Alex Varanese’s work includ­ing the won­der­ful Alt1977 retro-futurism project will give you a good start to your week.

off you go kiddies.

Morning Linkage (Apr 1)

As a trib­ute to my first read­ers and in thanks for their con­tin­u­ing sup­port for my efforts and brick­bats when I screw up…

The First Anniversary Fools Edition of Morning Linkage

From Susan Lenox’s vin­tage Ger­man illus­tra­tion stream. 1924, class act of lady and bike.

There’s some seri­ous war­bling and wob­bling going on here. Ann-Margret — Big Time. It’s a two-fer, an open air video shoot and the stage ver­sion that follows. ;-)

Espe­cial­ly for me! The best of every­thing: motor­bikes and Hel­lo Kit­ty (Hell)

Our Lady of the Hot Pink Buick Riv­iera. Col­or pho­to with awe­some sauce.

Miles of mods. The Hon­da Chaly gets used, abused, and dressed up to play. Check out the “Ducati” cafe rac­er and the bob­ber with wire bas­ket fenders.

Girls, motor­cy­cles, and cat ears!

Girls, motor­cy­cles, drag­on ball.

More bike (less girl, sor­ry) But, oh my, those Ital­ians know how to shoot a British bike in black and white… um, yeah — more scrambler.

thanks for a great year