Morning Linkage (Dec 7)

Some ran­dom blog with bikes, lit­tle KTMs, the salt. Giant squid, always a crowd favorite. Amadeo Souza Cardosa, the pup­pet of Royal de Luxe in Mexico City, MAW and the ephemer­al in street art. Trailer for O Apostolo, spooky.

Morning Linkage (Nov 18)

1940’s fly­ing car, get­ting direc­tions from the pros, weird­ness at SEMA. Building wind farms at sea with a lev­i­tat­ing boat. Celestial maps (17th cen­tu­ry), A bean sal­ad recipe that I like for the illo, and Amy Casey’s neigh­bor­hood. Then play­er pianos and Dirty Night Clowns.