Morning Linkage (Oct 25)

New hel­mets, old CB450s by Dime City, Godet-Vincent and the repli­ca Egli. Tons of free stuff to read from Spike. Alya Mark teach­es you to cook. Mechanical won­ders in paper, charm­ing work from Andrew Pawley includ­ing a lit­tle cos­mo­naut. Playing with Light, a boy and his robot go out for sup­plies in a submarine.

Morning Linkage (Oct 21)

All the Honda CBs you can use: CB450 cafe style, CB550 nice mods, CB750 police cruis­er. Racing in REDLINE com­ing in spring? Butterflies in the Amazon. Ghosties, ghoulies, and stuffed squir­rels. And if that’s not enough Guillermo Garcia Carsi’s cube fish.

Morning Linkage (Mar 26)

Transportation Eerie silent video of the valves and fir­ing spark plug of an inter­nal com­bus­tion engine. Erudite dis­cus­sion of the cap­ture tech­nol­o­gy in the com­ments. Or per­haps you’re more inter­est­ed int he valve action inside the new S1000RR? More dis­cus­sion of the video cap­ture tech. The late 60’s CB450s had become rats by the time I …