ArchitectureWe put our pasts in our pockets where theyrub up against loose change and ghost stories.They mingle with the confetti of every laundry list, want ad, parking ticket, and fablethat we have used to explain and confound our lives.Truth rubs off and leaves formless tokens that we stamp with misremembered particulars and implausible circumstances.Counterfeit materials …
Tag Archives: architecture
Morning Linkage (Jan 25)
Sparkly gold CB 750, type to bike, Neander — the original. Pangolin form purse, Album art and new media models. Meet your demon.
Morning Linkage (Nov 10)
Adventuring on a small scale, an aspect, Triumph Scramble. Time lapse of plants of Japan. Tank totes reused, odd apartments. Meeting Alice Herz-Sommer.
Morning Linkage (Jun 2)
Garage Co move, logging truck dragster, ’37 Sunbeam restoration, a better explanation of tides, holding a heart, the design sense of gypsies (wow!) and a little ephemera for the bus and a circus.