Morning Linkage (Jun 2)


Hell for Leather brings you the Garage Company in it’s new loca­tion. View full screen and scroll right for for tons of photos.

Pissed Off Pete. A log truck con­vert­ed to hot rod and drag rac­er. No account­ing for taste. I just like it.

This is the pret­ti­est restora­tion I’ve seen in a while. ’37 Sunbeam. Bike that is. Enjoy the gallery.


Um, I think I may have been mis­tak­en a cou­ple of weeks ago when I told you about how the moon makes the tides. Kitteh explains to Pip.

More from Creature Cast. If you hold your breathe when you dive into the deep end of the pool, what does a Nautilus do when it dives into the deep end of the ocean? Hold it’s heart like a turtle.

Art, Images, and Design

Carlo Gianferro takes pho­tographs of domes­tic inte­ri­ors. A unique and pro­found­ly effec­tive form of por­trai­ture. These pic­tures of gyp­sy inte­ri­ors and their inhab­i­tants intro­duced me to a visu­al lan­guage that I have nev­er seen. A chaot­ic mashup of Eastern and Western styles. Baroque and super-saturated. I want the red kitchen :-)

The exte­ri­ors of the gyp­sy hous­es are as much of a pas­tiche as the interiors.

And now a sim­ple, util­i­tar­i­an design to cleanse the mind palette. A tran­sit pass good for the week of Jun 24, 1939 bear­ing an adver­tise­ment for the Moose Circus. — 20 thrilling acts, too big for roof or tent! — Found in a copy of  Witch Wood by John Buchanan.

The wan­der­ing bear returns today, there may be no link­age tomorrow.

Morning Linkage (Jun 1)


With Game Over spelled out on it’s tank sides, this bike by the Navel Factory can only be said to hulk. But the details are love­ly. The cut away speedo for one.

True love. Seriously. The guy built this sweet Norton for his girl­friend. That just screams mar­riage mate­r­i­al all over it.

Not very good qual­i­ty video but I just love lis­ten­ing to the com­men­tary.  Catalina 1954.

Society and Culture

I’m sad­den to have just dis­cov­ered Neither More Nor Less at the end of it’s run. Images and sto­ries from the real world of the East Willage. A dai­ly diary of a small part of our world writ­ten and pho­tographed every day for 4 years. It’s over now. Take a look back at one man pay­ing care­ful attention.

Images, Art, and Design

Columbarium is a good dic­tio­nary word. It’s also a wise and com­pas­sion­ate way to deal with our dead. Tin-Sun But is a pro­posed colum­bar­i­um for the bay of Hong Kong.

Pripayat was evac­u­at­ed in May 1986. Told it would just be for a lit­tle while, the 50,000 res­i­dents took only a few days worth of clothes and a hand­ful of per­son­al items with them. Sitting along side all of the belong­ings that were left behind, these new images now live on the walls of the homes, offices, and fac­to­ries that they left. Note that the arti­cle is wrong — most of these images were cre­at­ed by tres­passers in the last 10 years not by the flee­ing res­i­dents 20+ years ago. That does­n’t make the images any less effective.

Animals full of whim­sy. (Rowers on a whale tail? A sheep made out of scissors?)

just pre­tend it’s Monday y’all

Morning Linkage (May 28)


Your leathers might seem like a good idea for the slip and slide or the big water park rides but… maybe not.  JL proves that remov­ing your pro­tec­tive cloth­ing before jump­ing in that lake might be a good idea. (Gallery at the bot­tom of the page — for giggles)

You can buy a lit­tle gas engine and make a rat­ty old Schwinn look like a rad board-tracker. And get to work for cheap.

I had nev­er heard of the Brockhouse Corgi. Now that I’ve seen these pic­tures I want one. At least I want the dress.

Society, Culture, and Buildings

Making yours just a lit­tle big­ger than the oth­er guys has been going on for eons. First it was fire pits and mid­dens, then cathe­drals and cas­tles. Now it’s most­ly office build­ings. Betting on which is the biggest is per­haps a close sec­ond favorite. Do not make bets with black­dog­prod (no rela­tion) about tallest build­ings. He wrote the book, or more exact­ly the Google Earth hack.

Art, Images, and Design

Wait, wait. There was a nation­al sta­tion­ary show? And I missed it? Waaahhhh. Poppytalk pro­vides a nice run down and hap­pi­ly, for me at least, tons of pic­tures of very well done let­ter­press work.

I espe­cial­ly love these from Iron and Ink.

Bread and cook­ies. Yummy to eat. And this plas­tic bag design reminds you of that. Love the grin­ny mouth.


Ian Worrel’s work is moody and dense. Meditations on con­se­quences and redemp­tion in a few col­ors and sim­ple shapes. Icarus and the Tree Herder (3:17 — Music)( is short­er and sly­er. Second Wind (6:35 — Music) is longer and makes its more com­plex point slowly.

and you’ve wast­ed anoth­er per­fect­ly good week with…

the mag­pie.

Morning Linkage (May 27)


These guys are con­fused about whether they are pro­duc­ing an elec­tric bicy­cle or a video game trail­er. The M55-EVO‑1 brings mind­less ePR to the fore.

Three nice black and white images of motos in India. Old school, good photography.

I’ve shown you more than one col­lec­tion of pic­tures of the odd things that peo­ple do with the Ruckus. How about a switch of brands for a look at what you can do with Yamaha Fino.

Another Julian Dupont hooli­gan video. This time in Jeruselam and Tel Aviv. Must be nice to have Red Bull to watch your back while you stunt like a fool. (RB hires some of the best video crews in the busi­ness.) Music.

Society, Culture , and History

Astonishing things lurk in the files and archive box­es of many nations. Recently a Duke grad stu­dent (USA) found the only known copy of Haitian Declaration of Independence. Originally print­ed by the new gov­ern­ment in 1804 there are no copies from the first print­ing in Haiti. Or France, or any­where else as far as schol­ars knew. But Julia Garfield found  one in the col­lec­tion of papers of relat­ing to the colo­nial gov­er­nance of Jamaica held at the British National Archives.


Yulia Brodskaya has been fea­tured here before. This new poster for the Stern Grove music fes­ti­val is hap­py, sum­mery, and almost makes the sun come out all on it’s own. Details of the print pro­duc­tion provided.

Otto Nero runs an Italian motor­cy­cle blog. In this post he pro­vides a nice col­lec­tion of street art images fea­tur­ing motos. A cou­ple of clas­sics and one or two sil­ly lit­tle things.

Nice inter­view with Tom Whalen and a selec­tion of his images. Whalen is one of the peo­ple who’s been defin­ing “new mod­ern­ernism” Though I doubt he’d use the words him­self. He thinks more in terms of the com­ic books and super heroes.

Morning Linkage (May 25)


Pure e‑powered hybrid sports car pron. Porsche 918. The 12 minute PR video. Ignore that crack about mod­er­ate dri­ving style.  You’re gonna need a smoke after this one.

First com­ment for the win. “German guy in Switzerland builds an American bike and gives it a Spanish name.: El marinero bor­ra­cho. Shovel head with gold leaf? it’s kin­da cool though.

Matte black, not-really an Indian but … swoon.

Science and Tech

Another stab at algae based fuels. This one mim­ic­k­ing the process of cre­at­ing oil from dinosaurs. Sort of.

Image mak­ing always finds a use for exist­ing tech­nolo­gies and push­es to find new one. In this demo reel, immer­sive media push­es it’s new imLive 360 expe­ri­ence. Pan around and catch the blast flash­es as you watch Texas Stadium come down around your ears. No music just explo­sions.

Art, Images, and Design

ID — nice design using human ges­ture to con­trol light­ing. A desk lamp worth having.

Okay, this is a lit­tle mind bog­gling. In 1883 the cir­cus came to Colchester VT . Posters were put up every where. Including one house where they were quick­ly cov­ered up with new sid­ing. And there they stood, until 1991 when the own­ers of the house decid­ed it was time to do some­thing about the decay­ing sid­ing. Off came the old sid­ing and what was seen? The cir­cus posters. Northeast Document Conservation Center’s web­site walks you through the process of tak­ing the posters down and pre­serv­ing them. As well as the cir­cus intrigue that their work revealed! Video slide show on site and  a link to the flickr set with commentary.

Christopher Walken — dead sexy.

off you go my freaky darlings,