Morning Linkage (Feb 28)

Transportation Alternate engine tech isn’t all about elec­trons; there’s still inter­est in steam. After the recent British retak­ing of the world speed record for a steam pow­ered car, the gents from the USA area ready to give it anoth­er go. Extraordinarily pret­ty Opel Motoclub. The red tires just bring the whole look togeth­er. I hes­i­tate to … 

Morning Linkage (Feb 15)

Transportation Speaking TW200s. Here’s a cute lit­tle run-about with the best farkle yet, a surf­board rack. Another sweet (not so) lit­tle bike. Must be util­i­tar­i­an Monday around here. CB750. ————————– Science and Technology Google is launch­ing anoth­er sal­vo in their pre­emp­tive war on ISPs, this YouTube speed tester. I haven’t been able to find a good enough …