Adventure does not require expensive gear, massive bikes, or exotic locations.
Somewhere between WTF and the most insightful portrait of the motorcyclist’s soul ever. A detail from Akira Yamagucchi’s The Nine Aspects. (If anyone can find a pic of the entire painting please let me know.)
This one is a little bit of a gimme. I know at least two readers who will love any Triumph Scrambler I post.
Time lapse photography seems to have fallen out of favor. Why? Did the wonder of watching plants grown and bloom and die somehow leave the world? It’s a beautiful planet — all the more so because it houses something as lovely as the snake gourd plant or the white egret flower. Plants of Japan. (video with music)
Art, Images, and Design
These “tank totes” are a common sight around here. They are carried around in the back of pickup trucks by folks with less than reliable water supplies. But I didn’t know they were so cheap. Here’s a good re-use. Signal lamps. Any other ideas?
Ramshackle hillside apartments with too many windows and too few doors? No, not some sort of hellish slum. Nina Lindgren’s magical cardboard houses.
I have been selfishly keeping this one to myself for the last couple of days. Alice Herz-Sommer is someone who you have to hold in the privacy of your own heart and consider quietly before you can share her.
Trailer for the documentary Alice: Dancing Under the Gallows (Video 12:11) More on Alice and the film.