Morning Linkage (Nov 10)


Adventure does not require expen­sive gear, mas­sive bikes, or exot­ic locations.

Somewhere between WTF and the most insight­ful por­trait of the motor­cy­clist’s soul ever. A detail from Akira Yamagucchi’s The Nine Aspects. (If any­one can find a pic of the entire paint­ing please let me know.)

This one is a lit­tle bit of a gimme. I know at least two read­ers who will love any Triumph Scrambler I post.


Time lapse pho­tog­ra­phy seems to have fall­en out of favor. Why? Did the won­der of watch­ing plants grown and bloom and die some­how leave the world? It’s a beau­ti­ful plan­et — all the more so because it hous­es some­thing as love­ly as the snake gourd plant or the white egret flower. Plants of Japan. (video with music)

Art, Images, and Design

These “tank totes” are a com­mon sight around here. They are car­ried around in the back of pick­up trucks by folks with less than reli­able water sup­plies. But I did­n’t know they were so cheap. Here’s a good re-use. Signal lamps. Any oth­er ideas?

Ramshackle hill­side apart­ments with too many win­dows and too few doors? No, not some sort of hell­ish slum. Nina Lindgren’s mag­i­cal card­board houses.


I have been self­ish­ly keep­ing this one to myself for the last cou­ple of days. Alice Herz-Sommer is some­one who you have to hold in the pri­va­cy of your own heart and con­sid­er qui­et­ly before you can share her.
Trailer for the doc­u­men­tary Alice: Dancing Under the Gallows (Video 12:11) More on Alice and the film.
