shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: Tiny Inventions

Morning Linkage (Aug 30)


The week­end’s over, but there’s a new week­end just around the cor­ner. Some of you are gonna need this. Hayes M1030 — bitchin’ off road machine. Multi-fuel, 2‑foot ford­ing depth, option­al IR dri­ving light! woohoo!

And one of these. Bufali­no. Piag­gio APE goes camper. Yup­pers, I’ll take one.

Snick­er. That’s some bal­last you got there. Fright­en­ing­ly close to home for some of us hack own­ers. And more Stan Mott car and bike art. Bonus pho­tos at 2/3rds. Go Carts!


Astronomer Seth Shostak pro­pos­es that we could increase our chances of find­ing intel­li­gent life in the stars by expand­ing the type of intel­li­gence we are look­ing for. Where should we look if we want to find alien arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence?

Slight­ly more earth bound news. Migra­tion is a com­plex social func­tion; not just a mat­ter of every­one in the flock gets an urge for bright sun­ny beach­es come October.

Art, Images, and Design

Tum­blinger­strasse? Tag Tag? Super Paper? Still does­n’t mean any­thing to you? How about Hot Wheels stop-motion ani­ma­tion and graffiti?

These do not look like tat­toos. But they are… I’m unde­cid­ed about them but I val­ue the reminder that ink on skin does­n’t have to con­form to a look. More of Aman­da Wachob’s work (click on abstract)

Utter­ly point­less ani­mat­ed gif. But there’s a monkey…


Sad news from Japan, Satochi Kon has passed away.

He gave us many films but none so won­der­ful as Tokyo God­fa­thers. A look at three mis­fits who find a bun­dle on Christ­mas Eve. T.G. long ago replaced It’s a Won­der­ful Life as our Christ­mas movie of choice. Earthy, humor­ous, and real­is­ti­cal­ly hope­ful. (Avail­able on disc from netflix.)
Amer­i­can ver­sion of the Tokyo God­fa­thers trail­er. Lame trail­er, good movie.

oh so Mon­day around here, I hope your locale is a lit­tle less inundated.

Morning Linkage (Aug 27)


Engine porn. Full view of the gear dri­ven cams on an awe­some lit­tle Benelli.

Per­fect­ly, post-apocalyptically Vespa.

Nice lines on this yel­low Hon­da cafe. The light driz­zling of water drops does not hurt the look of these shots.

Gaming and Culture

SEGA has a yakuza based game for play sta­tion. How good is it? Jake Adel­stein asked 3 “guys” to have a look. Oth­er than the red shirt…

Art, Images, and Design

Elsa Lan­ches­ter was the orig­i­nal Bride of Franken­stein. Made­line Khan will always be my favorite BoF, but you have lots of images to choose from in this round-up by Wicked Halo. NSFWerot­ic mon­ster nudi­ty.


We’ve all done it; let our sense of dread over­whelm our com­mon sense, and been embar­rass­ed­ly cha­grined at our silli­ness in the end. Smooth­ly ani­mat­ed with soft sculp­tures and quirky card­board, Some­thing Tak­en, Some­thing Left Behind, reminds us that chil­dren aren’t the only ones giv­en to irra­tional cat­a­stro­phiz­ing. (Video, 10:14)

off you go into the rainy weekend…