Morning Linkage (Apr 27)

Transportation Is this real­ly what it says it is? A Vincent drag rac­er? New or old? Dang I love this site for the pics but they have less info than BikeEXIF. Though the loca­tion is ID’d in the com­ments. We’ve all seen the city bus­es and the occa­sion­al hum­mer cov­ered in vinyl graph­ics adver­tis­ing something … 

Morning Linkage (Apr 15)

Transportation Nice T‑shirt graph­ic fea­tur­ing the Pannonia TFL Deluxe 1959. You can’t order any­thing if you have a real­ly small screen because their web­site has lost it’s scroll bars. Bummer. The Thistlegorm went down in the Red Sea in May of 1941 while car­ry­ing sup­plies for the British Army in Africa. Among the many items …