magpie's shiny things

shiny things in messy little piles

Page 82 of 96

Morning Linkage (Apr 8)

Slow morn­ing.

East­er bun­ny cute­ness. Not for the bam­bi lovers in the crowd. Be sure
to click on all the views!

I’m a total whore for let­ter­press. Two DIY press designs reviewed.
Ver­dict — well not really.

Just added this blog to the rota­tion. We’ll see what it brings. (If
noth­ing else I like the design. I think it’s from Smash­ing Magazine -
tell­tale S in the bot­tom right cor­ner. Could be wrong.)

Morning Linkage (Apr 7)

For play. Using a “rub­ber band” inter­face to explore words and their

Report­ing on Read­ing Rights and the Nation­al Fed­er­a­tions of the
Blind­’s protest of Ama­zon’s cav­ing to the Author’s Guild over the
text-to-speech fea­ture of the kin­dle. Show some love. Write a letter.

Best round up of the report­ing on the Google books set­tle­ment. I’m
still work­ing my way through the links here.

more tomor­row,

Morning Linkage (Apr 6)

In case you don’t have a suf­fi­cient­ly rad busi­ness card. Make up a few
of these. A must for MEs.

Too bad these are art prints. I would love to take them down to the
local. I’d final­ly be cool­er than the 20 some­things out to show their
girls a hot Sat­ur­day night.

A musi­cal inter­lude. A lit­tle Beau­ti­ful Day in the Neighborhood
nos­tal­gia mixed with a lit­tle swing. There’s a link to a pre­view. No
audio on the lap­pie so I can’t tell you if it’s any good. The cov­er is
a can’t miss though.

Last­ly two exam­ples of home fur­nish­ings mixed up into art.

(Note that Sleep Machine is in Japan­ese. Oth­er mate­r­i­al on Sleep
Machine is NSFW.)

more tomor­row,

Morning Linkage (Apr 2)

Heavy on the visu­als today.

Touch­ing pho­tos of Mex­i­cans in Amer­i­ca who sup­port fam­i­lies at home
doing mun­dane jobs dressed as superheros.

I will make time to see this mod­el and all the rest dur­ing my spring road trip:

I am fas­ci­nat­ed by pho­tographs of decay­ing infra­struc­ture. From
Aban­doned Britain, Helling Asy­lum: I chose one of the 8 pages of
pho­tos. Be aware that you can spend hours on this site.

Anoth­er vari­a­tion on plumb­ing mate­ri­als used as in light­ing design. I
like that he’s solved the switch prob­lem with­out resort­ing to a hidden
tog­gle or some­thing else non-plumbing.

Use­ful key­board mod­i­fi­ca­tion soft­ware for any­one whose work involves
lots of get­ting all those pesky lit­tle typo­graph­ic glyphs to appear in
print and on line.

More tomor­row,

Morning Linkage (Apr 1)

Every morn­ing I send JimH a quick sum­ma­ry of my morn­ing cruze around
the net. He sug­gest­ed that you all might like to see the results as

From Core77 a snarky short descrip­tion of how the US Mint makes coins
(cool pho­tos) there’s a link to the longer COINage mag­a­zine ver­sion at
the bot­tom. The oth­er entries in their Pro­duc­tion Meth­ods Series are
worth a look.

Fun­ny Kin­dle case. (Yes I love my kindle)

Schneier has begun the annu­al “movie-plot” threat chal­lenge. Ignore
the first cou­ple of com­ments, the good ones are at the bot­tom. Check
back often.

Prob­a­bly an April Fool’s joke and cer­tain­ly the only way you’ll ever
get me to play gui­tar hero.

There’s a new xkcd. It’s only sor­ta fun­ny. (IMHO)

More tomor­row if you all would like.

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