Pure e‑powered hybrid sports car pron. Porsche 918. The 12 minute PR video. Ignore that crack about moderate driving style. You’re gonna need a smoke after this one.
First comment for the win. “German guy in Switzerland builds an American bike and gives it a Spanish name.: El marinero borracho. Shovel head with gold leaf? it’s kinda cool though.
Matte black, not-really an Indian but … swoon.
Science and Tech
Another stab at algae based fuels. This one mimicking the process of creating oil from dinosaurs. Sort of.
Image making always finds a use for existing technologies and pushes to find new one. In this demo reel, immersive media pushes it’s new imLive 360 experience. Pan around and catch the blast flashes as you watch Texas Stadium come down around your ears. No music just explosions.
Art, Images, and Design
ID — nice design using human gesture to control lighting. A desk lamp worth having.
Okay, this is a little mind boggling. In 1883 the circus came to Colchester VT . Posters were put up every where. Including one house where they were quickly covered up with new siding. And there they stood, until 1991 when the owners of the house decided it was time to do something about the decaying siding. Off came the old siding and what was seen? The circus posters. Northeast Document Conservation Center’s website walks you through the process of taking the posters down and preserving them. As well as the circus intrigue that their work revealed! Video slide show on site and a link to the flickr set with commentary.
Christopher Walken — dead sexy.
off you go my freaky darlings,