Morning Linkage (Feb 24)


Yesterday it was bum­ble­bee fairy tales. This morn­ing it’s a bum­ble­bee hacked hack. Ural. Citroen engine. Really.

Aprilia’s print ads have a dis­tinct fla­vor about them, no mat­ter which part of the line up they are show­ing you. (NSFW butt cheeks)
Enclosed motor­cy­cle park­ing con­tain­er. Would you pay to be able to lock up your bike like this? The only down side I can see is that the 3 vehi­cles in one park­ing space advan­tage of rid­ing is elim­i­nat­ed by the bulk of the con­tain­er. Also avail­able for pri­vate pur­chase for your garage­less house.

Girl shaped moto gear is avail­able. Sort of. Mostly it’s guy gear recut and not designed from the ground up. Except maybe this grrl shaped chest pro­tec­tor. Tactical corsets indeed. (NSFW — black plas­tic girl shaped stuff)



3 videos of neu­rons at work. Awesome to think that all this stuff is going on inside my head. Keep the mutant com­ments to yourselves.

National Science Foundation  2009 International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge. A video in which some of the win­ners talk about their sci­ence and the illus­tra­tion there of. Also links to big­ger ver­sion of all the winners.


Art, Images, and Design

Fritz Hoffman’s pho­tographs con­trast­ing the new and the old in Shanghai. For Nat’l Geographic. Flavorless mod­ernism does not age well, Shanghai will come to regret it’s push to elim­i­nate the old every­day parts of it’s city

Jason Holley’s paint­ings have appeared on the cov­ers of many well know mag­a­zines includ­ing, New Republic and Rolling Stone. He also writes well about each paint­ing and it’s role in cre­at­ing the theme of the issue. His anti-ode to Okra for the Texas Monthly echos my own hatred of that veg. Far left, fourth row.

Very, very obscene, slight­ly dis­turb­ing, lyri­cal­ly grace­ful, and a sly poke at the PC-filled world of BDSM. Bound a type face for spe­cial projects. By Gatis Cirulis. Don’t miss the sketch book pages at the bot­tom of the post. (NSWF)

that’s enough slack­ing for one day.
