
Speak­ing TW200s. Here’s a cute lit­tle run-about with the best farkle yet, a surf­board rack.

Anoth­er sweet (not so) lit­tle bike. Must be util­i­tar­i­an Mon­day around here. CB750.


Science and Technology

Google is launch­ing anoth­er sal­vo in their pre­emp­tive war on ISPs, this YouTube speed tester. I haven’t been able to find a good enough expla­na­tion of the terms “Your Loca­tion” and “Your ISP” to be cer­tain what the num­bers mean for our sad lit­tle rur­al stub of the infor­ma­tion super­high­way. What do your num­bers say?


Art, Image, and Design

Drainspot­ting. Infra­struc­ture art. Man­hole cov­ers in Japan are not just func­tion­al they are often col­or­ful. A soon to be released book and a com­pan­ion website.

Also from Japan, Green­Mark­ers. The site is entire­ly in Japan­ese but you don’t need to be able to read the text to be able to fol­low the path from the image of a field of grass through the pro­to­type to pack­aged prod­uct. Best book­marks yet.

From the 50’s, anoth­er bebop­pin’ illus­tra­tor David Wei­d­man. I’ve added the new ret­ro­spec­tive of his work from Ginko Press to my wish list.

Mod­i­fiers, a 12 minute pilot for an ani­mat­ed series from two of the peo­ple behind both Ren&Stimpy and the Pow­er­puff Girls. Nick­elodeon is stu­pid. (Video — Sound)

To infin­i­ty and beyond… meh, maybe just the gym.
