In honor of the Iceholes having * all * made it across the border. Piaggio Ape racing. The madness never stops.
The 1955 Ariel offering. “The only four cylinder motorcycle you can buy in America.” Moto journalist hyperbole is not new. Click to en-biggen.
Industry news, changes in ownership and management at KTM and Mission Motors. I’m impressed that the lessons of the auto industry failure are being heeded. Whether these new directions are the best choices or not remains to be seen but at least they’re not repeating the mistakes of others.
Society and Culture
This Recording is a source of good mid-afternoon reads. Literary and social observations. Here the Italian poet and thinker Cesare Pavese’s diary entries for the year 1950. He’s not an optimist, but he observes closely.
The headline “Kirkus Gets a New Owner — from the NBA” sent chills down my librarian spine. The long standing publication which previews upcoming book releases had failed and was up for sale. It’s purchase by a basketball team owner was a frightening prospect. Until you read the article and the quotes from Mr. Simon and his chosen chief executive Mr. Winkleman. There is hope for the world of letters.
Technology, Architecture
Air brakes and other passive safety mechanisms are explained. And the intriguing question is asked. Can passive safety be a useful paradigm for software design? Discuss.
Wickedly cool prefab housing that is disaster resistant and goes up in two days. The ultimate coastal storm watching outpost?
Art, Images, and Design
Prints available from MotoClassique. Including the wonderful Geo Ham “At Speed” of Farnsworth’s speed attempt on his Brough-Superior.
Astonishing paper sculptures by Anna-Wili Highfield. Raggedy birds in flight.
Mythic creatures from Seattle based Stacey Rozich. She is hanging her work at Dolce Vita right now. Opening tomorrow night. Perhaps a little support for local art is in the future. (I’m not out of walls yet!)
Beautiful recontextualization of classic art on the walls of Paris. Zilda once again provides an argument against blanket graffiti eradication programs. (NSFW classic nudes)
Martin Whitford’s series of paintings “Tempest”. Is this the new vision of the chaos of the end of times?
and that’s it for this week. see you on Monday.