
Spon­sored by Hess Marine at the time, this very nice Ducati Diana. Click through to the Hess Marine site for a bitchin’ col­lec­tion of their employ­ee’s hob­bies and oth­er spon­sored racers.

Just for the sighs. 1957 Nor­ton Manx.

In the news:

Pro­mo for the TTXGP series, all the tracks, all the dates. Get your tick­ets soon.

Dan­i­ca goes NASCAR spon­sored by Hot Wheels. Bet­ter yet she helped design her very own hot wheels car — the Danicar.


Science and Tech

Fly­ing drag­ons. Maybe 1/10 scale. Beau­ti­ful fairy tale crea­tures in reality.

A new “skin” for hel­mets. Slop­py and mobile it helps to pre­vent twist­ing forces from being trans­ferred from the pave­ment to the hel­met. Kin­da cool, but real­ly creepy.


Art, Images, and Design

Alien Queen. In recy­cled met­al. We’ll need a big­ger din­ing room.

Damien Kamholtz builds dream­like images of chil­dren and their par­tic­u­lar­ly not quite real view of the world with lay­ers of wash and glazes. (PS This is the way to use flash on a port­fo­lio site.)

The fate of comics in the new elec­tron­ic age is a well beat­en dead horse. Here’s what I want to see, the sub­scrip­tion mod­el in a use­ful for­mat. Biz­zaro iPhone app.

From We Buy Your Kids. Stills for the up com­ing Moon Riv­er music video. I love WBYK’s work, but I don’t like most of the music/musicians they work for. This one I should like.

Dai­ly video. Fran­coise Mouly, art direc­tor for the New York­er, dis­cuss­es the process of build­ing the spe­cial three part “multi-cover” for the mon­ey issue.

keep calm and car­ry on,

Yes­ter­day was the Apoc­a­lypse. Today we have a seri­ous problem.
