
This KTM con­cept bike is too future-freaky for com­fort. The TopSpeed
review does­n’t make much sense of the bike.

Old-skewl, shiny, prob­a­bly unrid­able. I don’t care. Drool wor­thy Indian.

Czysz toots his own horn with the Motor­cy­clist cov­er­age of the I.C.E.
Pret­ti­est of the electrics? Possibly.

Speak­ing of elec­tric trans­port. News we nev­er need­ed to see. Trabant
returns — as an electric.


Science and Technology

Con­gress Con­sid­ers the future of NASA. Wired Sci­ence live blogs. Aside
— is the live blog­ging of tes­ti­mo­ny going to pro­vide an alter­na­tive to
offi­cial tran­scripts? Is this good or bad? Cer­tain­ly in this case it
high­lights the con­trast between the rec­om­men­da­tions of experts and the
feel­ings of the meme­bers of the Committee.

The future of space explo­ration and extra-terrestrial sci­ence may be
in hands of small inde­pen­dent exper­i­menters like Armadil­lo Aerospace.
Sim­u­lat­ed moon land­ings by their Scor­pius vehi­cle saw them move one
step clos­er to the Northrop Grum­man Lan­der Chal­lenge grand prize.

Birds vs. Air­planes. The Bird Strike North Amer­i­ca Con­fer­ence is
get­ting unac­cus­tomed pub­lic­i­ty this year. Wired Sci­ence brings us a
round up of some promis­ing devel­op­ments in the bat­tle to keep birds
and planes fly­ing. At least click through for the nice blue bird

Gene Ther­a­py con­tin­ues to get press. Nature report­ed on the successful
cure of col­or­blind­ness in two monkeys.



Chum­ming the waters. Med­i­na is now track­ing all vehi­cles that enter
the city. Rich peo­ple are para­noid and, well, rich enough to do
some­thing about it.

Medinites can now cel­e­brate their com­plete safe­ty with a skillfully
sabered bot­tle of cham­pagne. Do the West Point­ers still do this at


Art, Illustration, and Images

The ques­tion of which pho­to print­er to buy comes up all the time.
Here’s the short sweet answer. Less that $500.

Logo-rific LA ani­mat­ed as a pulpy PI movie. Ronald McDon­ald is the
vil­lain. The Miche­lin man the hard boiled detec­tive. Stills and clips.
You can be sure that I’ll let you know as soon as the full length vid
makes it’s way to the ‘nets.

The Afflict­ed Yard is get­ting an out­door show­ing. I’ve aready pointed
you all to the book of pho­tographs of life in Kingston Jamaica as
doc­u­ment­ed by Peter Dean Rickards.  There a cou­ple of pho­tos in this
announce­ment that did­n’t make the book.

Erot­ic art giv­en a sen­si­tive and real edge by street artist Mode2.
This is the set to show the judge when youw ant to make the
dis­tinc­tion between erot­ic art and porn. NSFW.

Sur­re­al short ani­ma­tion. Mor­bid­ly Gal­lic humor.


On the Way out the Door

Stop motion, paper craft, Samuri Jack. You can not fail with this 15
sec­ond pro­mo for Car­toon Network.
