Morning Linkage (Sept 18)


OCC goes green(again) This time with Schnieder Electric. There was a
video in the post but it’s been removed. Because, of course, OCC isn’t
in the bike build­ing busi­ness they’re in the real­i­ty TV business.
(Yes, I have an opinion.)

So you’ll have to set­tle for this pho­to of the Siemans/OCC bike. Its
sil­ver and kind of cool.

Meanwhile — here’s the first of two eye can­dy treats for today. This
Ducati is for sale. Really. The bonus won’t stretch that far. I’m
think­ing the look might do for the the Tiny Toy rebuild though.‑2–0

More real rac­ers. The Colorado Grand is a vin­tage car ral­ly that means
it when they say ral­ly. The sound track must be awesome.


Science and Technology

How to make all that under cov­er park­ing work for you. Solar pan­els on
top of car ports. Nice look, expen­sive, avail­able in Japan only for

Also from Japan — touch­able holo­grams. There’s a video demonstration
of “rain” falling on a hand.

If that T Rex I told you about a cou­ple of days ago won’t fit in your
foy­er, you might want to wait until a skele­ton for this much smaller
Raptoex krieg­stei­ni comes up for auc­tion. Seems that T had a much
small­er ancestor.

I’ve been known to say that the next great war (as opposed to this
great police action) will fought over water. This mental_floss story
gives you an idea of what hap­pens when a big­ger nation/state/city
takes the water away from a small­er one.

Google Voice could­n’t find a home on the iPhone and exact­ly who made
the deci­sion and who accept­ed it are still being dis­cov­ered. A final
answer isn’t like­ly but two let­ters to the FCC (one each from Google
and Apple) make it clear that this deci­sion was not made by the lowly
folks who review and approve the fart apps.

No mat­ter what you think of Google’s book dig­i­tiz­ing project… The
Espresso Book Machine is what dig­i­tiz­ing pub­lic domain books is all
about. Lisa Gold pulls togeth­er the cov­er­age of the Google’s Print on
Demand machine. There’s one com­ing to Third Place Books in November.


Art, Illustration, and Photographs.

A trip to Japan. Juliana Wang’s con­certi­na book of ink draw­ings takes
you along. (The whole draw­ing is the fourth image in the set.)

A recipe as a car­toon. How to make Chai Tea. Smiling sauce pans are a bonus.

Fiction and maps. Fiction as maps. Maps as fic­tion. Shane Watt draws
fic­tion­al maps. Or is it that he draws maps of fic­tion. Cue the
LitCrit crowd. Or read the inter­view and look at the pictures.

Charlie Roberts’ paint­ings of the chaos of artists’ stu­dios are
fright­en­ing­ly accu­rate — right down to the chee­rios box in the

I’m leav­ing the flash based cat­a­log site of jew­el­er Jennifer Gehbauer
run­ning on the oth­er machine as inspi­ra­tion. Design You Trust has a
review and some images here.

No, that is not an illus­tra­tion of a car­toon dog float­ing on a calm
sea beneath a paper moon. It’s a photograph.

Here are 10 images from the Nostalgia series by South African Stefan
van Deventer. Evocative black and white.

Last Word

TGIF — now hop in your dog­mo­biles and speed out­ta here.
