Morning Linkage (Sept 16)


The future(?) is all red and swoopy in these five exam­ples of
futur­is­tic design. I want a jet bike!

Okay, all the green­ers want us to know that the future is public
trans­porta­tion. Maybe if they can make all the bus­es as cool as these
bus shel­ters. Erm, adver­tis­ing is promi­nent fea­ture in all of them.
The future looks an awful lot the present.

Graham Parker and his bud­dy Stewart Cauley has got­ten their hands on a
trove of pho­tographs from the 1917 Beekman Street sub­way col­lapse in
NYC. They’ve uploaded them to Panorama and mapped the loca­tions using
the nota­tions on the pics. Fascinating.


Technology and Society

Google’s Public Policy blog announces Freeing your
data from the cloud keep­ers. The com­par­i­son to rent­ing an apart­ment in
the first ‘graph push­es the anal­o­gy fur­ther than usu­al — to good
effect IMO.

Books car­ried by back­pack­ers are care­ful­ly cho­sen with an eye to
weight vs. ben­e­fit. Here’s a set of sug­ges­tions for books that
qual­i­fy. Motorcyclist choose almost as care­ful­ly. What would you add
to the list?

Ars Technica’s review of Scribblenauts is enough to con­vince me to dig
out my old DS in prepa­ra­tion for the next long plane trip.

xkcd con­tem­plates a Scribblenauts ver­sion of real­i­ty. <face­book> Like

The Wizard of Oz is 70 years old. Wow. I was trau­ma­tized by those
damned mon­keys as a child. Now I wish I have my own fly­ing monkey
army. SunFiltered offers a cou­ple of links.

Do your­self a favor and give this Eric Clapton ver­sion of Somewhere
Over the Rainbow a lis­ten. A palate cleanser if you will.


Fashion and Design

Dorothy need­ed ruby slip­pers to get home. I’m lik­ing these from Ahmet
Baytar bet­ter than the sequined orig­i­nals. (Link to my site because
the design­er’s site is unlink­able flash.)

Inspiration for girls who are going to get what they need and don’t
feel like putting up with a fairy god­moth­er to do it.

Color and pat­tern inspi­ra­tion for the day. Batik.


Video(s) of the Day

Don’t be like this guy.

Or this pig. (Or sing like Nureyev.)

More mup­pet creepi­ness here.
