Morning Linkage (May 8)

The Design Edition

Starting with a cou­ple of fur­ni­ture designs.

With a welder and some scrap from out behind the barn we could make up
a cou­ple of these lawn chairs. Not sure I want to sit on one. Humor in
design is good.

And anoth­er report­ed by Core77. Proving that lack of humor in design
think­ing is what makes the rest of think design­ers are pretentious
idiots. From the pull quote: “…struc­tur­al nar­ra­tive of planned
imper­fec­tions…”  WTF?

Two on the design process.

Flikr set of pho­tos and sketch­es show­ing high­lights of Andy Logan
design­ing the TurboChef DWO oven. (Do Want)

NTY on-line about Steven M. Johnson. Characterized as R. Crumb meets
Buckmister Fuller. You can just look at the pix (tons) but the article
is well worth the 15 min. read. (Discuss)

A quick report on a sweet lit­tle ad cam­paign to stop trash­ing the ocean.

Information Architect and Designer want­ed by the State of Oregon to
work on the unholy mess that is the elec­tion process. Not the voting
machines/techniques but all the sur­round­ing media. Voters pamphlets,
polling place sig­nage, PSAs etc.  Good t see some recog­ni­tion of the
role of IA and design in pub­lic dis­course. (See also the book Nudge -
Jim H read­ing first.)

Ob Moto Content:

Nice mod of a stan­dard. (Don’t like Sucker Punch Sally’s oth­er work
much but this is rockin’) <begin rant> And for gawks sake this is 00s
do not build URLs with spe­cial char­ac­ters in them <end rant>

Another nice port­fo­lio of bike draw­ings and mockups.

more Monday
have a great week­end folks
