Morning Linkage (Jun 14)

A cou­ple of bike (and car) swap meets, mov­ing traf­fic from China to Hong Kong, crime as ter­rain, A Castle on the Ocean, take a flight through Oz, Clark Little under­wa­ter, and yeah — I could­n’t resist, the Lego plotter/printer.

Morning Linkage (Apr 19)

Transportation Riding the Tiger Shiva. Rotax engine, six for­ward gears, fan­cy met­al work, and you can ride it. It’s absolute­ly gor­geous. Videos: The Tiger Walks (Horrible music ) and Riding the Tiger (You can hear the rotax putt-putt) It’s a trail­er, for a movie, about rid­ing Royal Enfields in India. 2 Roues Sinon Rien. (two …

Morning Linkage (Apr 9)

Transportation A nice over-restoration (I made that word up) of a Honda CBX1000. The head­er pipes are rad. Another CBX, this time in near orig­i­nal con­di­tion. More pics and details on the bike as you slide right in the view­port. ——————– Science Pretty pho­to­graph and expla­na­tion of The Belt of Venus over the Valley of the …