Morning Linkage (Mar 24)


From Life mag­a­zine. Daytona in 1948. 22 pics. Take your time.

Another CB750, this one from Chicago. I like the rough edges.

Or per­haps this one — a tad rougher.


Society and Culture (Food)

Foodie Trend Watch. Your cup­cakes are no longer cool, hip, and indis­pens­able for (adult) birth­day par­ties. Meet the dough­nuts, the new cup­cakes. Yes there is a recipe, no I don’t want to know how good they are.


Art, Images, and Design

The Rhythms of Modern Life:  British Prints 1914–1939.  Exhibition from Miami’s Wolfsonian Museum.  So many things that go fast, bikes, cars, run­ners. Fabulous mod­ernistic style.

Scrap yard objects become moto-mechano-men. Or some­thing. Stephan Halleux.

Somewhat sim­i­lar, but not at all the same. Ron Pippen builds armor for angels.



Another selec­tion from the Academy Award nom­i­na­tions.  “The Lady and the Reaper (La Dama y la Muerte),” Javier Recio Gracia, direc­tor.  (Kandor Graphics and Green Moon) The lady would like to go now. All the sil­ly slap stick vio­lence of  Oscar win­ning Logorama — except this time it’s about death and it’s funny.

behave your­selves

Morning Linkage (Mar 23)


Re the TTXGP shift to trust/co-op struc­ture for the sanc­tion­ing body.
Giving the teams own­er­ship of the series. Brilliant or bound to fail?

HD to return to pri­vate own­er­ship with the help of pri­vate equi­ty firm
KKR? More than a week lat­er HOG stock prices are still enjoy­ing the
rumor based bounce.

Meanwhile, in Italy Ducati and Piaggio are rumored to be think­ing about
join­ing forces.

Doing up an old bike, Montessa Scorpion. Late 60s.

The newest Ford Police Interceptor comes at you in 2011/2012. Nice illo of
the front light pat­tern. Commit this to mem­o­ry. There will be a quiz.


Science and Tech

New col­or cod­ed image shows where all the space dust lives. The
resem­blance to cir­rus clouds is amaz­ing.  Pure space pr0n.


Tools and Gadgets

Most of the met­al I work with is non-ferrous. But if you spend a lot
of time fish­ing for small bits and parts while wrench­ing, you might
want one of  these handy mag­net­ic wrist bands.


Art, Images, and Design

Seriously, which movie/TV ver­sions of com­ic book char­ac­ters have had
the best inter­pre­ta­tions of the heroes cos­tumes? Do *not* skip the

A nice bio/obit of the illus­tra­tor Robert McCall whose images of space
and the future you’ve all seen. He cre­at­ed posters for 2001: A Space

Yuko Shimizu drew a cov­er for the ‘Now Hear This’ free­bie CD each month
for The Word mag­a­zine. the assign­ment recent­ly end­ed and she’s posted
a good hand­ful of her favorites. Girls with musi­cal imple­ments. I love
the play lists.

Thanks for wait­ing so patient­ly for Morning Linkage to resume.

Morning Linakge (Mar 12)


A par­tic­u­lar­ly nice ver­sion of the battery/electric ped­al bike. Charges on the flat as well as down hill. Also nice look­ing, I would­n’t be embar­rassed to ride this to town.

I had the International Scout II for a while. I’d pay (some­thing) to have one of these now. The International Wagonmaster. Alas I was too late.

Rendering from Luca Bar. One of the guys who does those neat‑o con­cept pic­tures that the bike mags use to illus­trate their rumor filled, we have noth­ing sub­stan­tial to report, pre­views of the next year’s bikes. This Moto Morini Corsaro Veloce is a fine exam­ple. Spend time look­ing under the projects tab.


Science and Technology

Plant galls. Um, er, not real­ly vil­lain­ous but then again, at the very least alien. Many excel­lent images to give night­mares to the gar­den­ers in the audience.

Organism pro­duced bio­fu­el. A real step for­ward by Nippon and Hitachi using a sin­gle celled organ­ism that lives in ponds. Uh huh, Jet A fuel from pond scum.



What the world eats in a week. This is what glut­tony and par­si­mo­ny look like. In a cou­ple of cas­es the ratio of pack­aged vs. fresh food will sur­prise you. Also the vari­abil­i­ty in the costs. From the book “Hungry Planet” As much as I find the food inter­est­ing, the fam­i­lies are com­pelling ele­ment that keeps you looking.

Fuller ver­sions from Time. Part I and Part II fam­i­lies and their gro­ceries. Part III: mar­kets and cooking.

What did you have for break­fast? The first meal of the day, with­out tableware.


Art, Images, and Design

Ballpoint pen, pen­cil, water­col­or. Huge, grue­some, Grimm fairy­tale, del­i­cate, and detailed all at once. Your myths and night­mares are served up by Caitlin Hackett.

Sick. Gotta love the gen­tle wood­land crea­tures. Grickle. (Music — but that’s the point.)

Paperwar, Papierkrieg. Starting with a cou­ple of paper air­planes and end­ing with, well, I won’t spoil the sur­prise. A broth­er and sis­ter engage in an arms race in fold­ed paper. I know almost noth­ing about the cre­ators except that one of them is named Mattias and he wants to go to film school. (Yelling)

Wondering what is going to hap­pen next. (SFW)

and that ends this week’s thrill ride

Morning Linkage (Mar 11)


You’ve seen the pic­tures of the hacked togeth­er ones but here’s the real deal. Motorcycle side-car based cam­era mount. The fab­ri­ca­tion qual­i­ty blows me away. Based on a 6 cylin­der 1500cc what? Seats 4.

Sexy enough to make me con­sid­er a elec­tric car. Almost. Or I could buy one and put a real engine in it. Porsche 918 Spyder.

A lyric piece of descrip­tion. The destruc­tion of a medi­an strip is care­ful­ly watched from it’s seem­ing­ly innocu­ous begin­nings with a few dusty foot prints to it’s take over a a cross­ing point for auto-rickshaws. (New Delhi, but it would be under the Viaduct here in Seattle.)

A few pages from the cat­a­log of the 1930 Earl’s Court Bicycle and Motorcycle Show. Love Smith’s gauges.



In Afghanistan there are peo­ple work­ing hard with lit­tle more than trash to bring some con­nec­tion to the mod­ern world. Wi-fi points and repeaters made from stuff scrounged out of the garbage — lit­er­al­ly. Great inge­nu­ity and dri­ve. And so much of the same-same has­sles, pet­ty pol­i­tics, and inter­per­son­al fail­ures of rela­tion­ships that affect any tech project. As Amy says, it’s fun­ny but it’s not.



Good Night Moon has dri­ven par­ents bonkers since 1947. Now there’s a Star Wars based update called Good Night Forest Moon. Better yet it’s a down­load and bind your­self project with excel­lent instruc­tions. Craft time to bed time.


Art, Images, and Design

Best iPhone stand ever. What is this gad­get hold­er doing in Art, Image and Design? — It’s great found object sculp­ture. Fork over.

Also an iPhone/iPod acces­so­ry. The ammo box speak­er set, per­fect dis­guise. Do Want.

More cross-over stuff. Why won’t the world stay nice­ly sort­ed in to my cat­e­gories? The title of this recent­ly released book says it all — Go Faster: The Graphic Design of Racing Cars

A lit­tle cool for my day today. Here’s Ms. Loren from the Impossible Cool.

onward and upward, or at least out the door.

Morning Linkage (Mar 10)


Plywood pad­dler for the junior set. Funny how much the logo looks like Harley Davidson from a dis­tance. Cute though.

1923 BMW fac­to­ry floor. Lots more vin­tage in the Vintage Motorbikes Flickr pool but beware of bad cap­tions, and wild ass guess­es as to makes and models.

Scroll down once for hot girl in short skirt on a real rock­et of a bike. And I love how the cape stays ful­ly extend­ed while she’s sit­ting still on the desk. Yeah — it’s a Japanese super­hero toy. (SFW)

1937 Harley bob­ber. Another fab Danish builder, Customs from Jamesville.


Science and Technology

A look at what’s under Niagara Falls. In 1969 the Army Corps of Engineers stopped the water flow over the falls in order to be able to inspect and but­tress up, if nec­es­sary, the rock face. In the com­ments look for Blatanville he’s got more info. Bitchin’ pics.

If you’ve got a stream with decent flow (7.5 ft/sec) you can have 500 watts of elec­tric­i­ty from a device that weights 25 pounds. Very use­ful. (7.5 ft/sec is about 8 miles/hour — which is pret­ty fast for a big riv­er but not so fast for a creek or stream.)

Testing struc­tures and new designs for resis­tance to earth­quakes at UNC’s Constructed Facilities Lab. Cruise the gallery for a look at cur­rent reasearch and projects. Lots of big (red) machines.


Art. Images, and Design

Creepy lit­tle hand-made char­ac­ter dolls. In that quaint Dickensian night­mare vein.

I’m claim­ing this is art. Scanning micro­scope images of the grooves in an LP. Images 2 and 3 look like the geog­ra­phy of memory.

These are hys­ter­i­cal. Old pho­tos with mod­ern goofy, think Cartoon Channel kid’s show, char­ac­ters pho­to­shopped in. Rellano de Mono from Chile. (His per­son­al web­site is down. Not sur­pris­ing. I hope he is safe.)

A friend­ly reminder that it’s not about the gear or the jar­gon or even the tech­ni­cal prowess, but the see­ing. A medi­a­tion on what it means to be a pro­fes­sion­al (pho­tog­ra­ph­er) or an ama­teur. Applies to all artists.

that is all