Morning Linkage (Jun 10)


We all know that the Goldwing is the most capa­ble race machine out there. Right?

But, it’s been done before. More con­vinc­ing­ly. (Photos and sto­ry cour­tesy of Phil Kopp.)

Go here. Choose your favorite style of bicy­cle. The Plato — town­ie. The Aristotle — free or fixed. Or the slight­ly more cool Aristolte CRMO. Click “build” and start cus­tomiz­ing your col­or­ful new toy. Addictive and harm­less fun.

I have no idea what this site is actu­al­ly about but the sweet blue 750 wait­ing patient­ly for bet­ter weath­er is dear.


Does this belong in Food or Design? A math­e­mat­i­cal­ly per­fect set of knives.

Art, Images, and Design

As we go through our day — sit­ting in front of com­put­ers, con­sum­ing text — we rarely see the let­ters and sym­bols for them­selves. They are beau­ti­ful. Look at some of the scripts and writ­ing sys­tems that do not share our famil­iar west­ern let­ter forms and remem­ber that the sym­bols that we use to con­vey mean­ing have a grace all their own.

Sarah Bridgland is mak­ing found paper con­struc­tions. Lots of very nice ones.  Her Swingline Staples is par­tic­u­lar­ly pleas­ing to fans of let­ters. (thx tfmktm)

Form Golden Age Comic Book Stories. The Children of Odin. Hand cut let­ter­ing and sim­ple block draw­ings. Willy Pogany’s illus­tra­tions would make the finest col­or­ing book.

… it’s always something.

Morning Linkage (Jun 9)


It’s all about the life style right? Triumph for your body. The Spring 2010 col­lec­tion. Video. (NSFWunder­wear)

A motor­car­ri­er is one of those three wheeled things with a car­go bed held up over two wheels in the front and a sin­gle dri­ven wheel behind the ‘rid­er’ in the back. Very agri­cul­tur­al, and of course it can be raced. Helmets do not appear to be required.

There are sev­er­al day’s worth of motor­car­ri­er rac­ing videos on YouTube is you need more bad ideas. The Dutch are bored, real­ly bored.

Loverly Ariel with enclosed side­car. (Thanks EdW.)

Tech and Gadgets

Very good news for the Pacific Northwest weath­er geeks. We’re get­ting our radar a year early!!

Toys that teach lan­guage are a favorite gift from the aun­tie. These kan­ji char­ac­ters trans­form into the ani­mal named. Maybe the next sproglet needs to learn Japanese.

Art, Images, and Design

I work stand­ing up so I would­n’t have the prob­lem of sand inter­fer­ing with the cast­ers on my chair. Eternal beach.

I don’t think I can rec­om­mend this website/blog as a great exam­ple of infor­ma­tion trans­fer but I love the way it looks. The RSS feed makes it pos­si­ble to actu­al­ly read what the own­er actu­al­ly has to say.(Matt Mullenweg is one of the mavens of WordPress.)

Stylized por­traits of the roy­als and their retain­ers from the Mughal empire. How can such visu­al­ly busy pic­tures be so serene?

keep it going…

Morning Linkage (Jun 8)


The Sidewinder. Yup, Barris, still wrong. (The site includes all of the Barris designs from your child­hood. The Munsters through General Lee. The front page has music.)

There are only two pic­tures here, but it’s not often you get to see an Excelsior under the sky.

You just know that this cat was the height of cool.


Osedax roseus is a bone bor­ing worm that lives on the picked over remains of a sunken whale car­cass. Adaptation is stun­ning in it’s vari­ety. And no, it’s not weird to read about a fin­ger sized red worm and repeat­ed­ly exclaim — that is so cool!


Two pieces of poet­ry, very dif­fer­ent prove­nances, very sim­i­lar messages.

First, Tom Waits reads the odd­ly hope­ful ‘Laughing Heart’ by Charles Bukowski.

Then, Neil Gaiman reads “Instructions” while Charles Vess’ illus­tra­tions and work­ing draw­ing cap­ti­vate your eyes.


Os Gemos from Brazil hit­ting the streets of Italy with some clever visu­als.

I’m not sure about the ham­ster wheel por­tion of this cylin­dri­cal hous­ing solu­tion but the bit that rolls over to change from a desk and chair to a bed is just what I need for my office. Nap-time!

Yuko Shimizu at drawger intro­duces us to anoth­er of her long list of on-line friends. Benjamin Gudel (u with umlat) Most of the images in this gallery are from a Carhartt cam­paign. Really.

ta my dar­ling readers

Morning Linkage (Jun 7)


For any­one who does­n’t already know where the inspi­ra­tion for my hack, Brunhilde, came from. The clas­sic cream with pin­stripes has always spo­ken to me.

Another junk bicy­cle and lit­tle gas engine cre­ation. This could get to be a recur­ring fea­ture here.

Oh my, anoth­er Deus. The Bloodnok. Flash based gallery at the source.

Society and Culture

This is one of those finds that is delight­ful­ly dif­fi­cult to cat­e­go­rize. Sukkah City NYC  2010. 12 sukkahs will be built in Union Square next fall. And it will all end up in a book,“Sukkah City: Radically Temporary Architecture for the Next Three Thousand Years.” But most­ly you have to see how they’ve illus­trat­ed the rules.
“Sukkah City: Radically Temporary Architecture for the Next Three Thousand Years.”


This is an almost per­fect illu­sion. Daylight stream­ing through a non-existent window.

xiaobaosg is real­ly William Chua. He puts a lot of his work on Threadless and Designs for Humans. Images like his is one of the rea­sons that the graph­ic T‑shirt is mak­ing such a come back. Gorgeous.

Some pic­tures hint at a pos­si­ble nar­ra­tive. Others drop a sto­ry on your toes and force you to pick it up and pon­der it’s fissures.

Morning Linkage (Jun 3)


Ryca CS1 — what your Suzuki S40 is going to be when it grows up. Ryca’s own flash encum­bered site.

Pretty girls and motor­cy­cles. This time with his­to­ry of Chinese cin­e­ma added.

A cut away illo and some pho­tos of the Vincent Nero/Super Nero. The naked shot is out­right frightening.

Tech and Gadgets

The ulti­mate shop door? Well it’s the bitchin’-est hangar door I’ve ever seen. Though it looks more like the local feed store than a house…

Have you ever cal­cu­lat­ed the cost of that week­ly staff meet­ing? Do you know what it costs to let Dave from account­ing blath­er on for an extra 12 min­utes? TIM will do the math for you, in real time.

Art, Images, and Design

I love com­ing across an artist   whose work can make me both very gig­gly hap­py. See the lit­tle bird rock­er about half way down. And fore­head wrin­kling puz­zled. The sheep in NY — um, that’s not even…  Claude and François-Xavier Lalanne.

Extraordinary images of Venice. Liquid and mys­te­ri­ous. Giuseppe Desideri. (Most effec­tive as a slide show.)

Friday Animation

The sur­re­al Zayatz and Volk. Russian kid­die car­toon­ing from the 70s/80s era. The com­men­tary is almost as whacked as the cartoon.

did you know that ‘play’ is the one key off on the right hand typo for ‘okay’?