Tea ceremonies are not something we often associate with custom bikes.
Maybe we should.
Old illustrations of motorcycle from vintage books. I’ve already got
an email in to my fav purveyor of old book pr0n.
On auction at Bonhams. A 1954 BSA motorized tandem bicycle.
More pedal bike hotness. Belt drive townie. Almost enough to make me
move to a nice Kirkland condo. Almost.
Feeling old school today. There was time when wiring was managed
without the help of the plastic zip-tie. Linemen and others created
functional beauty with cable-lacing. I’ll be in my studio later today
trying this out.
Art and Images
More old school. Chrome logos from the past. His ‘spastic website’
award is in the mail.
Art Nouveau and hallucinatory go well together. Really. Jean de
Bosschere does Weird Islands, and a lot of other things.
Silly drawings for Marmite ads. Proving that a sense of humor can be
an asset in advertising. Scroll to number 3 for the dinosaur. Pretty
To hell with Hooters. Titillation is actually sexy in these black and
whites of “old” Las Vegas.
that should make the wait for Friday just a little easier.