Morning Linkage (Jan 19)

A huey flies over SF, get­ting around with­out left turns, Bultaco resto, images from Dakar. Martian blue sun­sets, sen­sor tech for phones. A wolf & some trees — fab in Lego, Banksy as a brand, Charlie Brown and Snoopy, Zoo. Lasse Persson’s Bikini.

Morning Linkage (Jan 18)

in-car video games or is that eco-driving, OBD-II for
iPhone, Brit Super Bike the high­light reel. Bruce Dale for NAt’l
Geo, “fix­ing” his­tor­i­cal images. Walnut cof­fee gear, compliments,
City Hall Station in it’s glo­ry. A cat with a plan to deal with
your keys.