shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: mars

Morning Linkage (Jan 19)


There’s a fan club for every vehi­cle ever made. And restora­tion nuts will go to great lengths to get their babies back on the road, or in this case, back into the air. A Viet­nam era Huey flies again — dig the Led Zep­pelin accom­pa­nied trail­er for the doc­u­men­tary. (Video — music and com­bat footage)

I am fre­quent­ly the object of friend­ly rib­bing because I can make an entire day’s worth of errands into an itin­er­ary with­out a sin­gle left turn across traf­fic. Turns out I’m not crazy. A world with­out left turns would be both safer and more efficient.

Bul­ta­co Sher­pa T. That is enough dan­gling bait for most of you. It’s a love­ly Span­ish resto.  Also Motor­cy­cle Pic­ture of the Day has moved house. Remem­ber to change your fee­dread­ers and bookmarks :)

First enjoy this soon to be a clas­sic image of a lone rid­er on the dunes. Then click on the link labeled HERE to see a huge set of Dakar ral­ly pics — lots of bikes.

Science and Tech

Sun­sets on Mars. They’re blue. Just thought you should know :)

A cou­ple of days ago I showed you a bit of ani­ma­tion made with the help of the CellScope a micro­scope add-on for cell phone cam­eras. Now some folks at U Mich have cre­at­ed a lit­tle don­gle that will HiJack the audio out­put port of your iThingy and turn it into a nifty sen­sor host. You can get one of the pro­to­types for your own — if you have a clever enough idea  about how it should be used.

Art, Images, and Design

More Lit­tle Red Rid­ing­hood. So far beyond the usu­al flat, boxy results of using  chil­dren’s blocks as a sculp­ture mate­r­i­al. The tex­tures achieved in the wolf and the bar­ren trees are per­fect. (And I think I might have a lit­tle red rid­ing hood problem.)

A short mus­ing on the nature of name and brand in pop­u­lar art. Did/does Banksy (and by exten­sion a num­ber of oth­er “famous” street artists) use a crew? The com­ments will tell about all you need to know about the state of popular/folk/commercial art appre­ci­a­tion in this coun­try. le sigh.

Char­lie Brown and Snoopy, gen­er­al­ly any­thing not drawn by Mr. Schultz is crap. Except maybe this time trav­el piece that puts the boy and his dog on a street cor­ner sell­ing com­ic books.  By Boulet for the lat­est issue of Zoo.

The full issue of Zoo for which the Snoopy and Char­lie brown illo was done is worth a cou­ple of min­utes of your time even if you don’t read French. There’s a lot of good work to see.


I’ve always loved the sly humor of the yel­low polka-dot biki­ni song. The shy­ness of the girl want­i­ng to be fab­u­lous but a lit­tle afraid of all the atten­tion. Here is Lisa T’s (Lasse Pers­son) trans­gen­der ver­sion. Big burly swedish beach boys and one teenag­er full of trep­i­da­tion. It all ends well, I promise. (Pos­si­bly NSFW, no nudity)

Morning Linkage (Mar 29)


Awe­some. Okay, it’s Pho­to­shop. I don’t care.

BTW the orig­i­nal bike pics are shiny too. (Ouch — need shades.)

Liv­ing here out­side of Seat­tle, the biggest user of mem­o­ry space in my brain is pot­hole loca­tions. I don’t real­ly dri­ve like a stoned mon­key. I just look like it as I avoid the mul­ti­tude of rim bend­ing chuck­holes.  A clever Ital­ian solu­tion that frees up brain space and let’s strangers in on the wonky dri­ving fun.

What hap­pens when you let an air­plane mechan­ic build a Moto-Guzzi cafe rac­er? Mag­ic.



Psy­chopaths are … heavy users of dopamine? Maybe it’s not the lack of inhi­bi­tions or lack of fear of the con­se­quences of buck­ing social norms that prompts their actions, but dif­fer­ences in their reward seek­ing behav­ior. Inter­est­ing set of insights.

Very pret­ty sun­set image look­ing away from the sun. The bright star is Mars.



From the web­site of the British char­i­ty Shel­ter­box. The con­tents of a sim­ple plas­tic tote box that can pro­vide mid-term shel­ter for up to 10 peo­ple in the after­math of a nat­ur­al or civ­il dis­as­ter. Nice­ly executed.


Art, Images, and Design

A lit­tle some­thing from my pas­sion — jew­el­ry. Rings with hous­es, or maybe hous­es with rings. Some com­plete with swim­ming pools or court­yards. Phillipe Tour­naire.

More hous­es, but not in pre­cious met­al. This piece is from the senior the­sis exhi­bi­tion of the Kyoto Uni­ver­si­ty of Art and Design.



Anoth­er entry from the Oscar short-list for short ani­ma­tion. “Granny O’Grimm’s Sleep­ing Beau­ty,” Oh my, I may nev­er sleep again. Dark, cack­ling, and well grimm. Dis­ney will nev­er recover.

go get ’em my dears.