Morning Linkage (Feb 15)

Transportation Speaking TW200s. Here’s a cute lit­tle run-about with the best farkle yet, a surf­board rack. Another sweet (not so) lit­tle bike. Must be util­i­tar­i­an Monday around here. CB750. ————————– Science and Technology Google is launch­ing anoth­er sal­vo in their pre­emp­tive war on ISPs, this YouTube speed tester. I haven’t been able to find a good enough … 

Morning Linkage (Feb 12)

Transportation In hon­or of the Iceholes hav­ing * all * made it across the bor­der. Piaggio Ape rac­ing. The mad­ness nev­er stops. The 1955 Ariel offer­ing. “The only four cylin­der motor­cy­cle you can buy in America.” Moto jour­nal­ist hyper­bole is not new.  Click to en-biggen. Industry news, changes in own­er­ship and man­age­ment at KTM and … 

Morning Linkage (Feb 10)

Transportation WSDOT presents: build­ing the new fer­ry the Chetzemoka. Lovely lit­tle video mon­tage of con­struc­tion pho­tos, includ­ing a month­ly time lapse. (Sound — bad looped music) Okay, these guys look like our kind of bugnutz. The Dumb Way Down. Around the world on a cou­ple of bit­sa bikes from the 30’s. It’s look­ing to be … 

Morning Linkage (Feb 8)

Transportation The Porsche Family Tree ad from a cou­ple of months ago was a fine show­ing of clas­sic cars. Here’s a Making of …video for your enjoy­ment. Shameless self pro­mo­tion at it’s finest. (sound — but nice sound) In antic­i­pa­tion of Bonneville Speedweek, tal­ent­ed auto­mo­tive pho­tog­ra­ph­er Jerry Garns put up three shots from 2009. BMW R69S Custom …