Morning Linkage (Apr 15)

Transportation Nice T‑shirt graph­ic fea­tur­ing the Pannonia TFL Deluxe 1959. You can’t order any­thing if you have a real­ly small screen because their web­site has lost it’s scroll bars. Bummer. The Thistlegorm went down in the Red Sea in May of 1941 while car­ry­ing sup­plies for the British Army in Africa. Among the many items … 

Morning Linkage (Apr 13)

Transportation The new MSF Curriculum is being talked about. What does this mean to you? Sponsored in part by MSF and con­duct­ed by the Virgina Tech Transportation Institute, a new study aims to pro­duce up to date val­ues for moto acci­dents and near acci­dents. Geographically suit­able vehi­cles? Or design exer­cis­es with stereo types. Considering that these … 

Morning Linkage (Apr 9)

Transportation A nice over-restoration (I made that word up) of a Honda CBX1000. The head­er pipes are rad. Another CBX, this time in near orig­i­nal con­di­tion. More pics and details on the bike as you slide right in the view­port. ——————– Science Pretty pho­to­graph and expla­na­tion of The Belt of Venus over the Valley of the … 

Morning Linkage (Apr 8)

Transportation I’ve known of cou­ple of bike nuts from Alberta. Something about the hor­ri­bly, long , dark win­ters leads to the cre­ation of awe­some bikes to be enjoyed dur­ing the 16 hour sum­mer days. Things like this love­ly Duc. Oh so old school, oh so cool. A turquoise Indian. The details pics of the leaf springs … 

Morning Linkage (Apr 7)

Transportation New vehi­cle con­trol sys­tems are always pop­u­lar with the bored press. This is one of the best… (that makes no sense.) xBox con­trol inte­gra­tion — very well done. XS650 min­i­mal­ist update. Coolest trans­porta­tion sec­tor job ever… WSDOT’s aer­i­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er. ————- Society, Culture, Literature Because no one real­ly wants the hand­writ­ten word to dis­ap­pear. What is …