Morning Linkage (Aug 6)

all wom­en’s moto drill team, Confederate, XJR1200, EN125, and giv­ing away the secret sauce. #lock­fail, beard­ed goby fish. Brutalism, hide-aways, see­ing ghosts, cof­fee cups. Three ani­ma­tions from Gooby Herms.

Morning Linkage (Aug 4)

Moto Guzzi — per­fect details, two Triumphs, girls on bikes, boys on bikes, sum­mer drinks, anti-lasers, big art on the earth , lit­tle art on the water, under­sea worlds in pas­tels, a per­fect beach photo

Morning Linkage (Jul 30)

Velorex, CB360T, if Picasso built cars, Determinism or free will, Huxely or Orwell, essays to read, Empire Marketing Board posters love­ly mid-Deco, crow on a wall, card­board mon­ster arms, The Lost Thing (fri­day animation)

Morning Linkage (Jul 29)

A cou­ple of sweet Ducati cus­toms, an equal­ly nice Honda, NSU Lambrettas, Beezerker — dumb name fab build, Jefferson changes a word in the draft of the Declaration, vin­tage tracts and pam­phlets, pas­ta al limone, fire­works pack­ag­ing, mun­dane mon­sters, hap­py birthdays.