garbage trucks, hooligan bikes — old and new — the H1 and a little KTM. classical Greece in not so monochromatic white marble. Minding your manners on the train in Japan, new Tintin, lots of maps, and Fan Ho’s unique vision of Hong Kong.
Author Archives: lara
Morning Linkage (Aug 19)
Tiny Honda, big Indian, pure jet engine porn, portrait of the earth and moon, acoustics, shots around Porto, 3.5 seconds — animated life lessons.
Morning Linkage (Aug 18)
- the messed up glasses edition — Transportation First thing in the feed reader this morning was this beauty. I almost stopped there and called it a day. CB550, build directed by Jeff Stephens. Art, Images, and Design A few brief comments on the book design of the seminal Design for the Real World. Aside from …
Morning Linkage (Aug 17)
flying boats, tiny bikes, and modern Rockers. A tidal turbine and learing to walk the high wire. Picasso upholstery fabric, curated images, Chas Laborde — everyday Paris.
Morning Linkage (Aug 16)
A Norton, a truck with roof mouted cannons, H2. Cooking and dinosaurs — both for geeks. Early american color photos, retro ads for modern social networks, and a happy picture of run-away dog.