Morning Linkage (Sep 3)

Budde’s Moto Guzzis, scraper bikes, a pulse jet with lots of chrome. Looking at the oceans from space and the his­to­ry of man on earth with graph­ics. Packing up art, mak­ing pic­tures in fast for­ward, a last image of sum­mer, and Dad does­n’t han­dle play­ground duties well at all. 

Morning Linkage (Sep 1)

Harley-Davidson goes after a younger demo­graph­ic, a pret­ty girl on an antique French bike, Steadman does Thompson on a Ducati, boss GSX1100. Voting the nice guy off the island. The Dream Machine, a good game. Flying cars will save us all? Contraband, let­ter­press, and sur­re­al cat-head gods.