Morning Linkage (Sep 28)


Six cir­cu­lar saw motors, half a go-cart chas­sis, and a weird sense of humor. I give you the Bolt Lightening dragster.

So many of us like look­ing at bike (and car) pics. Maybe it’s time to add a few of your own? Pipeburn gives you a quick two lessons in bike pho­tog­ra­phy for begin­ners. (Follow the links in Part I but only after you’ve put down the cof­fee and maybe had a cou­ple of Advil.)

I love this lit­tle XL250. Even though I should hate it — all the bits are just vague­ly wrong.

I don’t think there’s any bet­ter proof of true love than this 1962 C100 scoot­er restoration.


Titanium foam as a bone growth matrix. Fascinating bio-medical appli­ca­tion of mate­ri­als sci­ence with the now oblig­a­tory Wolverine reference.

Yay for bio­lu­mi­nes­cence. Yay for comb jel­lies. Yay for CreatureCast. (Sorry about the east coast ori­en­ta­tion — but there’s no good sin­gle site for Puget Sound bio­lu­mi­nes­cent species. — sigh)


Apparently the most irre­sistible food on earth is… toast. Um, I already knew that. Some of the oth­er choic­es are pret­ty good too. (The fun is in the comments.)

Art, Images, and Design

Random pho­tos from the “Good Design Expo”  Some are sil­ly, some are clever, and a num­ber are just plain puz­zling. I like the ele­phant tape dis­penser and the toma­to grow bag.

A tiny bit of street art on a pad­lock. Nicely done. (And if you like Seattle and good pho­tos you might want to add Seattle dai­ly Photo to your RSS reader.)

Items for a Tim Burton set design. Exotic leather fur­nish­ings that  belong in a some movie described as “tense” and “fraught with sub­text” or maybe just “creepy”. Wanna start a British men’s club with a bizarre sense of humor.

Oops — inter­we­bz goin’ down in 3… 2…
