Morning Linkage (May 27)


These guys are con­fused about whether they are pro­duc­ing an elec­tric bicy­cle or a video game trail­er. The M55-EVO‑1 brings mind­less ePR to the fore.

Three nice black and white images of motos in India. Old school, good photography.

I’ve shown you more than one col­lec­tion of pic­tures of the odd things that peo­ple do with the Ruckus. How about a switch of brands for a look at what you can do with Yamaha Fino.

Another Julian Dupont hooli­gan video. This time in Jeruselam and Tel Aviv. Must be nice to have Red Bull to watch your back while you stunt like a fool. (RB hires some of the best video crews in the busi­ness.) Music.

Society, Culture , and History

Astonishing things lurk in the files and archive box­es of many nations. Recently a Duke grad stu­dent (USA) found the only known copy of Haitian Declaration of Independence. Originally print­ed by the new gov­ern­ment in 1804 there are no copies from the first print­ing in Haiti. Or France, or any­where else as far as schol­ars knew. But Julia Garfield found  one in the col­lec­tion of papers of relat­ing to the colo­nial gov­er­nance of Jamaica held at the British National Archives.


Yulia Brodskaya has been fea­tured here before. This new poster for the Stern Grove music fes­ti­val is hap­py, sum­mery, and almost makes the sun come out all on it’s own. Details of the print pro­duc­tion provided.

Otto Nero runs an Italian motor­cy­cle blog. In this post he pro­vides a nice col­lec­tion of street art images fea­tur­ing motos. A cou­ple of clas­sics and one or two sil­ly lit­tle things.

Nice inter­view with Tom Whalen and a selec­tion of his images. Whalen is one of the peo­ple who’s been defin­ing “new mod­ern­ernism” Though I doubt he’d use the words him­self. He thinks more in terms of the com­ic books and super heroes.
