Wretched excess, the new Porsche 911.
Would you leave this understated beauty behind if you were moving overseas? I think not.
Looking a bit too much like Wolverine in squidly guise, holding a white china tea cup, and rattling on. Road racer Guy Martin gives the BBC an interview and you get a snicker. (There’s a lovely easter egg in the video. Check the comments.)
Yeah, we put some sharks in our aquarium. We don’t think they’ll eat a whole lot of the exhibit. Uh huh. Look at what ate the shark. Ignore the ‘scary’ narration, the images aren’t gross, just fascinating. (homage to schneier)
Truly random numbers are the holy grail of cryptography. Quantum physics may be the answer. Isn’t QP the answer to everything? So now there are 42 truly random numbers. Maybe — or not. IO9 tries to explain how it works and why it matters. Violation of Bell inequalities… My head hurts.
Art, Images, and Design
These are so silly and so cute. Masaku Hori ‘s little waiting dogs that hold your fruit.
Fab black and white double portrait: Joe Lewis and Josephine Baker.
Animation (Sorta)
Rule 34: If you can think of it there is porn of it on the ‘net. Better than Rule 34: Batman porno. Not the Dark Knight batman, the late 60’s campy TV version. Complete with cheesy cartoons balloons that say Pop and Pow. Stunningly, this trailer is SFW.
… and that’s the end your week with the magpie.