Morning Linkage (Mar 10)


Plywood pad­dler for the junior set. Funny how much the logo looks like Harley Davidson from a dis­tance. Cute though.

1923 BMW fac­to­ry floor. Lots more vin­tage in the Vintage Motorbikes Flickr pool but beware of bad cap­tions, and wild ass guess­es as to makes and models.

Scroll down once for hot girl in short skirt on a real rock­et of a bike. And I love how the cape stays ful­ly extend­ed while she’s sit­ting still on the desk. Yeah — it’s a Japanese super­hero toy. (SFW)

1937 Harley bob­ber. Another fab Danish builder, Customs from Jamesville.


Science and Technology

A look at what’s under Niagara Falls. In 1969 the Army Corps of Engineers stopped the water flow over the falls in order to be able to inspect and but­tress up, if nec­es­sary, the rock face. In the com­ments look for Blatanville he’s got more info. Bitchin’ pics.

If you’ve got a stream with decent flow (7.5 ft/sec) you can have 500 watts of elec­tric­i­ty from a device that weights 25 pounds. Very use­ful. (7.5 ft/sec is about 8 miles/hour — which is pret­ty fast for a big riv­er but not so fast for a creek or stream.)

Testing struc­tures and new designs for resis­tance to earth­quakes at UNC’s Constructed Facilities Lab. Cruise the gallery for a look at cur­rent reasearch and projects. Lots of big (red) machines.


Art. Images, and Design

Creepy lit­tle hand-made char­ac­ter dolls. In that quaint Dickensian night­mare vein.

I’m claim­ing this is art. Scanning micro­scope images of the grooves in an LP. Images 2 and 3 look like the geog­ra­phy of memory.

These are hys­ter­i­cal. Old pho­tos with mod­ern goofy, think Cartoon Channel kid’s show, char­ac­ters pho­to­shopped in. Rellano de Mono from Chile. (His per­son­al web­site is down. Not sur­pris­ing. I hope he is safe.)

A friend­ly reminder that it’s not about the gear or the jar­gon or even the tech­ni­cal prowess, but the see­ing. A medi­a­tion on what it means to be a pro­fes­sion­al (pho­tog­ra­ph­er) or an ama­teur. Applies to all artists.

that is all
