It started with seeing the photo of a team of racers in front of a BA Air Ferry on one of the random bike pic blogs. And went on from there until I came to this full report on the 1967 Zandvoort Sprint. Photos, videos, and lots of words.
Oh if only he had roughed up the front forks. Just a little. It would be a perfect rat. Or near enough. XS650.
Initially misnamed but now correctly identified. I just like that this Norton looks so happy to sitting out there waiting it’s turn.
My world has just became a significantly better place. I now know that it has paleomagnetists in it. Scientists who study the history of the changes of the earth’s magnetic field. And now they’ve discovered some unprecedentedly rapid shifts that occurred about 3000 years ago. By studying the magnetic signatures of heaps of slag left over from smelting copper in the Middle East.
Order breaks down into disorder in a very orderly way. Video demonstrating an aspect of non-linear physics.
Art, Images, and Design
Old hard drives. New toys. And then there are the pictures of the little guys taking the machines apart. Joy.
A reminder that the Space Needle was once new, and that graphic design in the early 60’s had some moments of brilliance.
Weekend DIY camera rigs for taking high-speed, super close, multiple exposures, or just look at the amazing pictures.
…he wanted to capture flying insects, such as the honeybee above. “I have a problem with killing them, plus they don’t fly when they’re dead,”
as well as butterfly wing scales and magnetic ferrofluids.
TeamCerf’s Meet Buck illustrates the existential… um, shows folly as… er, … it’s funny, okay?