Cherry picked from the various flickr tags and a couple of collector websites. Dark Roast Blend brings you Classic Trash Trucks. Including a Dempsey Dumpmaster seen all over Western PA during my childhood and origin of the term Dempsey Dumpster for a drop box. I didn’t know they had any other name until I was in my 20s.
“If the H1 were a lad, it would be the sort of boy you desperately hoped your daughter wouldn’t bring home. Fast, noisy, dangerous — and such brilliant fun to be with.” A nice write up about one of the first hooligan bikes. A pleasant stroll down memory lane for one or two of my fav boys.
Rumors, teasers, photo galleries. It’s all here. Now if KTM would just give us a date and a price for the little 125 stunter we’d all be happy.
Ancient Cultures and Archeology
We’re so used to the view of classical Greece as a white marble paradise that we build our own great monuments to look like them. Um, not so fast. The Washington Post examines the origin of the classical look …
… and Colour Lovers gives us a look at what those cold classical figures actually looked like in glorious color. (Oh my eyes)
Art, Images, and Design
The take away from this collection of Japanese subway posters is — don’t take up more than your fair share of space, remember your umbrella, and don’t drop your chewing gum on the floor. M’kay? I love the graphics.
I enjoy the daily image or two from Covered, a blog that posts classic comic book covers re-drawn by contemporary artists. Some days they’re nice but unremarkable. Some days you get this wonderful reworking of a Tin-Tin cover.
Hours and hours of looking and dreaming. Over 100 maps, new, old, and sometimes incomprehensible.
Black & white Hong Kong. Photographs by Fan Ho. I am particularly taken by the images collected in “The Living Theater”
move along now, you have things to do.