Morning Linkage (Apr 22)


Hello Kitty tank — is there noth­ing that can not be made more
ridicu­lous with the addi­tion of pink paint and that evil feline?

I have a soft spot for Scramblers. Maybe I’m just old school that way.
This one belongs to some guy named Mike — he’s work­ing his way through
his ’06 doing the lit­tle mods that make a good bike great.

BikeEXIF gets it wrong again. And BikeEXIF’s read­ers do the spade work to iden­ti­fy the “Triumph” as most like­ly a BSA and the name of the cus­tom shop that built this chal­leng­ing­ly shiny bobber.

For those of you in the mar­ket for a new desk­top wall paper, there’s a Turkish KTM ad here might do. Depending on your office culture ;-)



Japan is awash in the pulp paper ver­sions of man­ga. Here’s a wry use of the result­ing waste stream. I don’t think this farm­ing tech­nique will scale but the idea of putting seeds into the detri­tus of imag­i­na­tion pleas­es me.



We’ve all been oohing and aahing over the pho­tos of the erup­tion of Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland. But there are storms right here at home (well Kansas and Nebraska) that offer equal­ly stun­ning photo-ops. This gallery from 2004 is par­tic­u­lar­ly choice.


Art, Images, and Design

Bansksy’s movie “Exit Through the Gift Shop” gets a big­ger open­ing soon. Pieces of his art are show­ing up in LA.
This park­ing sign and this cop with a use­less K‑9 unit in an aban­doned park­ing garage. (video has music but not awful music) but then this hap­pened:

Exit Through the Gift Shop trail­er here.  Opens April 23 in Seattle.

and that my dears is anoth­er day…
