Hello Kitty tank — is there nothing that can not be made more
ridiculous with the addition of pink paint and that evil feline?
I have a soft spot for Scramblers. Maybe I’m just old school that way.
This one belongs to some guy named Mike — he’s working his way through
his ’06 doing the little mods that make a good bike great.
BikeEXIF gets it wrong again. And BikeEXIF’s readers do the spade work to identify the “Triumph” as most likely a BSA and the name of the custom shop that built this challengingly shiny bobber.
For those of you in the market for a new desktop wall paper, there’s a Turkish KTM ad here might do. Depending on your office culture ;-)
Japan is awash in the pulp paper versions of manga. Here’s a wry use of the resulting waste stream. I don’t think this farming technique will scale but the idea of putting seeds into the detritus of imagination pleases me.
We’ve all been oohing and aahing over the photos of the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland. But there are storms right here at home (well Kansas and Nebraska) that offer equally stunning photo-ops. This gallery from 2004 is particularly choice.
Art, Images, and Design
Bansksy’s movie “Exit Through the Gift Shop” gets a bigger opening soon. Pieces of his art are showing up in LA.
This parking sign and this cop with a useless K‑9 unit in an abandoned parking garage. (video has music but not awful music) but then this happened:
Exit Through the Gift Shop trailer here. Opens April 23 in Seattle.
and that my dears is another day…