shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: Grickle

Morning Linkage (Nov 3)


(the slight­ly con­fused brand­ing edition)

First a lit­tle some­thing sooth­ing for the mid-week slog. When was the last time you were prop­er­ly enter­tained dur­ing a flight delay, hm? A lit­tle cham­ber music might help the time go by.

Ducati brand­ing reach­es into all the impor­tant parts of your life. Like break­fast. Red is a good col­or for coffee-making equipment.

Strange BMW Thing 1. A scoot­er.  All sorts of fan­cy body-work, some high-tech giz­mos, and tons of fluffy PR. But don’t imag­ine that they aren’t seri­ous about mak­ing a maxi-scooter. The sec­ond video is much more visu­al­ly appeal­ing than the talk­ing PR heads on the first one.

And if the maxi-scooter isn’t enough weird for ya here’s Strange BMW Thing 2.  The Husq­var­na Mille 3 Concept.

Palette cleanser. 1953 BMW R51/3. Bet­ter now?

Cool Machines

What could be bet­ter than machine pr0n? Maybe typo­graph­ic fan­tasies? A touch of lit­er­ary did­dling? How about a trail­er for a movie about the Lino­type machine. Oh god yes, yes, yes…

Art, Images, and Design

Amy was right, I want this cal­en­dar too. Images from ear­ly blues records and sheet music.

I can’t imag­ine how unac­cept­able to OSHA Antho­ny Bur­ril­l’s choice of ink was, but he’s mak­ing a great point. Oil and Water Don’t Mix, a lim­it­ed edi­tion screen print to ben­e­fit Coali­tion to Restore Coastal Louisiana.

Restor­ing the old mas­ters is one of those I‑wish-I-had jobs. An old dark sooty crusty cru­ci­fix turns out to be a bright shiny mas­ter­piece by Giot­to. A small image of the cross before restora­tion is includ­ed in the Cor­riere Del­la Sera article.

A tip-off from a fan of the Mag­pie brought me to Bet­sy Youngquist. Elab­o­rate­ly bead­ed dolls and fig­ures. Sur­re­al, cud­dly and spiny at the same time. Buck Fish is fab.


Prin­ci­pal Skele­ton. The fine art of stu­dent moti­va­tion. Yet anoth­er gig­gle induc­ing grick­le ani­ma­tion. (Gra­ham Annable)

hap­py hump­day — I’m off to get my hair done. It’s hard work being a redhead.

Morning Linakge (Mar 12)


A par­tic­u­lar­ly nice ver­sion of the battery/electric ped­al bike. Charges on the flat as well as down hill. Also nice look­ing, I would­n’t be embar­rassed to ride this to town.

I had the Inter­na­tion­al Scout II for a while. I’d pay (some­thing) to have one of these now. The Inter­na­tion­al Wag­on­mas­ter. Alas I was too late.

Ren­der­ing from Luca Bar. One of the guys who does those neat‑o con­cept pic­tures that the bike mags use to illus­trate their rumor filled, we have noth­ing sub­stan­tial to report, pre­views of the next year’s bikes. This Moto Mori­ni Cor­saro Veloce is a fine exam­ple. Spend time look­ing under the projects tab.


Science and Technology

Plant galls. Um, er, not real­ly vil­lain­ous but then again, at the very least alien. Many excel­lent images to give night­mares to the gar­den­ers in the audience.

Organ­ism pro­duced bio­fu­el. A real step for­ward by Nip­pon and Hitachi using a sin­gle celled organ­ism that lives in ponds. Uh huh, Jet A fuel from pond scum.



What the world eats in a week. This is what glut­tony and par­si­mo­ny look like. In a cou­ple of cas­es the ratio of pack­aged vs. fresh food will sur­prise you. Also the vari­abil­i­ty in the costs. From the book “Hun­gry Plan­et” As much as I find the food inter­est­ing, the fam­i­lies are com­pelling ele­ment that keeps you looking.

Fuller ver­sions from Time. Part I and Part II fam­i­lies and their gro­ceries. Part III: mar­kets and cooking.

What did you have for break­fast? The first meal of the day, with­out tableware.


Art, Images, and Design

Ball­point pen, pen­cil, water­col­or. Huge, grue­some, Grimm fairy­tale, del­i­cate, and detailed all at once. Your myths and night­mares are served up by Caitlin Hack­ett.

Sick. Got­ta love the gen­tle wood­land crea­tures. Grick­le. (Music — but that’s the point.)

Paper­war, Papierkrieg. Start­ing with a cou­ple of paper air­planes and end­ing with, well, I won’t spoil the sur­prise. A broth­er and sis­ter engage in an arms race in fold­ed paper. I know almost noth­ing about the cre­ators except that one of them is named Mat­tias and he wants to go to film school. (Yelling)

Won­der­ing what is going to hap­pen next. (SFW)

and that ends this week’s thrill ride