The Emperor’s New Bird

 I love the notion of per­formed spon­tane­ity, in that it gets at the fact that what seems nat­ur­al, or impro­vi­sa­tion­al, is still a prod­uct of deci­sion mak­ing, and still leads to a con­scious­ly made thing—a mechan­i­cal nightin­gale rather than the real bird that hap­pens to fly in the win­dow.” Diane Seuss inter­view with Jesse Nathan … 

Shetland Islands/Wool Week 2019

In September of 2019 I joined my sis­ter Beth for Wool Week in the Shetland Islands. These are the places that we went and the things we saw. (Click through the gal­leries for more infor­ma­tion in the pic­ture descrip­tions.) Lerwick Lerwick is the capi­tol city of Shetland. We stayed in an apart­ment just up the … 

Letter Home 4 Aug, 2018

Dearest ones, I went to a lec­ture last week. Ilya Kaminsky, a famous Ukrainian poet, began by ask­ing “How is life on this shiny plan­et?” I did not know how to answer him. He taped pic­tures by Diego Rivera to the wall and read from Calvino’s  Invisible Cities. He spoke of how our work is … 

Being Against the Eternal Now

I have been com­ing to Oaxaca for 16 years now. I come for weeks or even months at a time, and yet I am so far unable to mas­ter the lan­guage. In spite of all the time I’ve spent going to din­ner, rid­ing in taxis, and attempt­ing to deci­pher the labels in the gal­leries and museums. …