5 minutes from read-it to love-it

This a.m. I read “save time by dash­ing your search­es” on Micro Persuasion. I tried it using reputation-management ver­sus the unquot­ed, un-dashed ver­sion (to wit: rep­u­ta­tion man­age­ment) Whoa, this has got to be a record for least amount of time from I read this post to I can’t believe I lived with­out it! 

Twitter, Voyeurs, and False Eyelashes

How many of the “social net­work­ing” tools are actu­al­ly just high tech tools for voyeurism. Have we become a nation (world/web) of peep­ing toms? Is voyeurism now a per­ver­sion that can be prac­ticed in many realms. We’re not just watch­ing one anoth­er have sex, we’re watch­ing one anoth­er dri­ve to work, and eat lunch, and …