Unintentional Poetry

Every now and again I redis­cov­er some long for­got­ten cor­ner of my vasty web empire and have to clean out an over­grown com­ments mod­er­a­tion queue. For a while there was a rash of spam com­ments made up of seem­ing­ly ran­dom bits of strung togeth­er prose. They stopped appear­ing a cou­ple years ago. But I recently … 

Why Morning Linkage Died and What’s Next for ShinyMagpie

Short ver­sion.  A switch from cura­tion to cre­ation. Slightly longer ver­sion. Morning Linkage was  path to find­ing my way back into think­ing about sto­ry telling. It is now time to start telling sto­ries of my own again. There’s an even longer ver­sion but that should prob­a­bly stay between me, my ther­a­pist, and the hap­py band of … 

Administrivia — Jun 19

Shiny has moved house and hope­ful­ly none of you noticed. Between the charm­ing and help­ful folks at my host Lunarpages, and the I‑will-never-do-without-it-again WordPress plug-in Automatic WP Backup, the entire process took less than 2 hours. Now that Shiny is hap­pi­ly ensconced in her new effi­cien­cy flat look for the work to begin at the big …