Random Linkage (July 17)

Villagers! vikings! Castles, swords, and … dinosaurs? Dinosaur Battle Town, Eddie West’s 4th year project will thrill the 4 year-old boy in everyone.Yeah, it remind­ed me of Howl’s Moving Castle just a lit­tle too.



The effec­tive­ness of sim­ple mate­ri­als used in a clever way. Paper, pens, scis­sors. Not to men­tion the charm­ing not quite English of its creator.

Every cup of cof­fee con­tains its own soul, extract­ed from your feel­ing today.every cup of cof­fee is like a mag­ic show con­tain­ing dif­fer­ent jour­ney and bring­ing the unend­ing imag­i­na­tion and surprises.With a sip of cof­fee, you not only taste your own sto­ry, but also change your per­spec­tive of the world.

Stop motion essence of coffee :)



Expressive - white and blank space.
Sara Burgess



More papery won­der­ful­ness, insects, leaves, and very spe­cial 3‑D forms. Sara Burgess works with white paper and an x‑acto knife.

via: Oh So Beautiful Paper
