Random Linkage (April 3)

Talented dancer, com­pos­er, and film-maker. Daniel  (cloud) Campos. “Music Box’  about find­ing the per­fect apart­ment, the vid fea­tured at the moment will make you smile.

If you can bring your­self to watch “Rain Dodger” you’ll get a gig­gle but it may be too much for many con­sid­er­ing the ridicu­lous rain we’re hav­ing right now.

More envi­ron­men­tal sound. A giant xylo­phone cre­at­ed in the woods by Drill Inc. A slow rolling ball and a gen­tle incline pick out a famil­iar tune. Images from the shoot.

Robot hap­pi­ness. Well used, retro style toys by Cris Rose.
dirty faces and warm hearts

Extreme cam­era geek­i­ness, with the Girl DP. How to make very cus­tom bokeh fil­ters. hearts, stars, moons, and *words* in daz­zling fuzzy light.

making words with light

… do not read below this line …

And com­plete­ly, irre­deemably, unnec­es­sary: a My Little Pony/Dark Knight mashup. Worthwhile com­ments on the dai­ly what.

you were warned.
