Random Linkage (April 3)

Talented dancer, com­pos­er, and film-maker. Daniel  (cloud) Campos. “Music Box’  about find­ing the per­fect apart­ment, the vid fea­tured at the moment will make you smile. If you can bring your­self to watch “Rain Dodger” you’ll get a gig­gle but it may be too much for many con­sid­er­ing the ridicu­lous rain we’re hav­ing right now. More envi­ron­men­tal sound. … 

Morning Linkage (Mar 31)

Transportation Oh sweet baby jee­bus. A 1970 Husky 400 Cross all fet­tled up and ready to go… to the 2010 Baja 500? Mucho gory details on the build-out build-up. (The rest of the site will send cer­tain men I know into nos­tal­gia comas for a week.) KTM’s e‑bike. ——————— Society and Culture All pub­lish­ing eyes are …